Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter Wonderland

Winter wonderland

"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together." ~Vista M. Kelly

On Monday, we got some unexpected snow. Even the weather forecasters were shocked because it wasn't predicted. I know nothing about taking photos of snow, but I grabbed my camera and tried to get a few pictures before the sun went down. I liked this shot of a neighbor's house in the distance. All of the snow was gone by Tuesday at lunchtime! It was pretty while it lasted.


  1. so beautiful, and you captured the best part about snow- when the snowflakes are falling!

  2. This is so beautiful!! We had a first dusting..but nothing other than that to speak of. I'm missing winter snow!

  3. Oh I really like your picture. Fresh snow makes everything looks so pretty. The house looks great with all the lights on.

  4. Beautiful. I really love the tones in this picture.

  5. It really IS very pretty... I don't know how you got that color, but it's beautiful! =)

  6. oh it's just gorgeous, coating every branch of every tree!! i love the picture as well, just like a winter wonderland!!

  7. So very beautiful. Looks all dreamy.

  8. What a great image. It just breathes Winter wonderland!

  9. Oh! I am dying to get some of that in Boston! Send some mine way!

  10. Sherri, love that quote and your Winter Wonderland photo is wonderful!
    No snow here but I'm sure we'll get some before too long!

    Smiles ...


  11. This is an absolutely stunning photo!

  12. This is one of the most beautiful winter photos I have ever seen... love it!!!! :-)

  13. I love your photo. There is a touch of warmth in it and the lights in your neighbour's house help give it a postcard quality.
