Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Gate of Change

lion gate

"No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal." ~Marilyn Ferguson

I agree completely with the above quote...change is always internal, and until that desire within presents itself, no outside source will have any impact on an individual. And whether a person is embracing or resisting this internal power for change, it has the strength of a lion! It can go either way. Learning this truth about life has actually given me peace, because I no longer expend energy trying to steer anyone I love in a certain direction. They have their own internal lion and it's their decision on when, or how, or whether it will roar (and from which side of the gate). It's a very freeing revelation about the human condition.

For Photo Art Friday this week, Bonnie asked us to use the prompt "entrance or exit". My gate photo taken in Occoquan, VA inspired both my image and my words! It was fun to make it look colorful and dramatic in PSE. I used Bonnie's "Blue Depths" texture at Color Burn/63%. I also used the "cutout" art effect at Normal/100%.

Original image:

Photo Art Friday


  1. Very good image. I love the editing.

    And, the quote is SO true. No one will change, if they're not ready. It is a bit freeing, when we finally accept that.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. A beautiful truth, indeed, but also fraught with frustration as we are sometimes forced to stand back and watch someone self distruct. Life is very complicated and it is amazing we are able to find our way, That is the challenge and the gift. Very powerful post ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  3. Love the intensity of the colours. I agree with your thoughts. A person can only change if they want to and no matter what you do you cannot change them by wishing it so. Valerie

  4. Wonderful art piece and love your outlook to others battles. Have a great weekend.

  5. Such a great quote Sherri, and i love your processing on this very interesting gate. That quote is something that i have learned over and over being in the medical profession

  6. I learned that a while ago, about change...and it was the best lesson learned.

  7. Sherri, this is such a beautiful gate. The edit shows just how special the gate really is. The commentary to go with the quote is great too.

  8. Your art and insights are always inspiring and clearly derived from the wisdom born of experience.

  9. Great edit! Makes it so dramatic, and I just love those colours!

  10. beautiful... and so true!

  11. Beautiful quote, photo and words. And how ironic that next week is hardware!! ;)

  12. Wow this is awesome. It's bold and dramatic and really makes a statement. I like it very much.

  13. True words. I have to remember that, when I keep hoping my daughter will be on time for things. Until she wants to change it isn't going to happen. Lovely gate!

  14. I love what you have done with this image, it has really bought it to life!


  15. dripping with invitation to knock - beautiful

  16. very thought-provoking and gorgeous processing. wise words at a most opportune time, too!!

  17. Love what you have done with this image! Great quote too. Happy weekend. :)

  18. Really powerful image and quote. Change is definitely the word of the week for me. Love this piece of art, Sherri.

  19. A very true and telling quote, and your dramatic image illustrates it beautifully.

  20. The quote is soo true! I really like this powerful image!

  21. Love this - both the image and the metaphor. It's so true that the strength to change has to come from within..and that that power has a lion's roar!
