Monday, January 14, 2013

Abandoned Prison Grounds

Abandoned prison - Lorton, VA

Abandoned prison - Lorton, VA

Abandoned prison - Lorton, VA

Abandoned prison - Lorton, VA

Abandoned prison - Lorton, VA

A couple of months ago, I went for a photo shoot at an abandoned prison in Lorton, VA, near where I live. I had always wanted to go there with my camera. We went right during the peak of autumn, so at the time I put the photos aside for processing while I worked on all my "fall season" images. Then we entered the Christmas season and things got, here it is 2013 and I haven't shared any of them yet.

Part of the prison grounds have now been converted into art studios, but there are acres of land in the back that still sit empty and overgrown. I never would've visited this area of the grounds without my was quite creepy, to be honest. We were there for a couple of hours and not once did we see another person. When we got up close (and even inside) some of the abandoned buildings, I could feel the dark history of the place seeping into my bones. Yet, there was also something very striking about the peeling paint, the textures, the weeds growing in odd's hard to believe that decay can be beautiful...but in its own stark way, it can be.

These photos I'm sharing today were taken at what was once the prison's baseball field...the guard tower in the background of some of the photos is a stark reminder that this wasn't the typical baseball field.

Thanks for stopping by and I'll have more prison photos to share in the coming weeks. We actually went inside one abandoned building...we think it may have been the prison clinic. I got some amazing textural photos inside...I was literally squealing out loud I was so excited (even though I was scared to death) It was the perfect backdrop for a horror movie. I look forward to sharing some with you soon!


  1. It is interesting when you go to an old abandoned spot like this how it's history does still present itself in almost a real way. I went a couple of years ago to Alcatraz and you could really "feel" the prisoners there yet. Very interesting spot Sherri... thank you for sharing this.

  2. Isn't it funny that we all love weeds and peeling paint, IF it's not our own! haha I love the character of old run down things, but would honestly be horrified if it were my place!! :) Love the perspective of the fence shot and the tower in the background...look forward to seeing more.

  3. I can't wait to see more. I would love to do a photo walk there. I just love old buildings. I can see where it would be a little creepy.

  4. I went to an abandoned prison nearby here last year. I truly think it was one of my best photo outings! Can't wait to see what you bring us!
