Thursday, January 3, 2013

Show Up. Dream Big. Focus Small.


Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art has resumed her weekly photo art prompt this week, and I'm so happy to be participating again. She asks that we create an image based on a focus word for 2013. As I talked about in my last post, my focus word this year is exactly that: "focus!". One of my biggest challenges as a chronic daydreamer is getting things done. It's a big source of frustration for me to have all these amazing creative and crafty ideas inside my head but not be able to actually follow through with them. My problem is that a big part of my joy creatively is simply THINKING about my ideas...I lay them out visually in my head, picture how glorious they'll look when they're finished, and feel a little leap of joy at each one. I can't tell you how much pleasure it gives me - too much, that's the problem! Instead of always daydreaming about creative ideas, I'm hoping to actually make some happen in 2013.

For this week's photo art, I chose this shot I took of my back yard on a foggy day. The original image is so symbolic of the state of my mind a lot of the time...dreamy and unfocused. There's a lot of beautiful ideas in there, but my brain fog makes them hard to manifest! I kept it simple with my image, adding a pinkish texture to give a little more color and then using the "dry brush" artistic effect at 25%. I then posterized it to make it sharp and detailed - focused! I also put it through Radlab to tweek it a bit.

Thank you for stopping by! Do you choose a yearly focus word? Does it help you? I sure hope mine will help me...I'll keep you posted.

Original photo:


  1. What a beautiful scene! Dreamy was exactly what I felt when I looked at it.

  2. Great we can all relate to. I find myself trying to 'focus' often! Perhaps there are too many things I want to do and see???
    The image you used (I love foggy photos!) is the perfect backdrop for your piece.

  3. Nice picture, sometimes out of focus is better.

  4. Stellar editing Sherri - that is one beautiful image. Love how you have literally illustrated with your editing your chosen word for the year.

  5. Fantastic post and I agree with Bonnie, stellar editing. I hope this year you will be able to get some of your dreams done.

  6. I totally get the thinking about creativity vs. doing creativity!

  7. SO nice to meet you through Photo Art Friday! Great image! I look forward to seeing where your focus takes you.

  8. Hmmm, I'm sitting down to finish my post right now and wonder if it's too late to change my mind....focus...I sure have trouble with that too! AND, I know exactly what you mean about finding so much joy in the daydreaming part of it, gosh do I know. I can't quite make myself bring things to fruition, almost as if something will happen if I do, which ironically in itself IS the point! Sigh, but my word, I think will go with your word perfectly!! (like a wing man) :) xo

    Beautiful photo, beautiful edit!

  9. wonderful image, and so appropriate for your word

  10. love the muted colours and the path through the murky woods.A splendid word though it is evident that the photographer has already grasped it ;)

  11. Oh my! Your photo is amazing and I love your word!! I definitely need more focus in my life.

  12. You photo is wonderful! and your word will help you, I am sure. I followed along with Ali Edwards prompts last year with my word Create. I felt exactly as you do, always dreaming never doing. Yes, it worked I had a very creative year.

  13. A gorgeous image and a great word, focusing on the right things sends us in the right directions :)

  14. this picture is beautiful. I do too plan to do mere and to daydream less!!! good luck to you!

  15. Love this. Your image and editing of this piece is fabulous. Great choice for your word. I love how each person has chosen something meaningful to their own personality.

  16. I like this picture, the trees and light.

  17. A wonderful word and an exceptional photograph!! Good to see you again!! Missed your wonderful words and pictures over the month of December.

  18. This is a beautiful image and I love your word. I don't think I could pick just for my year ahead though but I think focus would definitely be on my list. It sounds so positive as well


  19. An amazing photo that draws us into it...great word, btw;)

  20. Hi Sherri,

    I really love the photograph of the trees and the mist. It drew me right in! I love your word too.. I too love day dreaming, it's the best thing to do ;)

    Happy weekend to you.

  21. Gorgeous... focus is such a fantastic word
