Monday, October 15, 2012


monochromatic mug

Introverts are collectors of thoughts, and solitude is where the collection is curated and rearranged to make sense of the present and future. ~Laurie Helgoe

I love this description of introverts..."collectors of thoughts". This is so very true, at least for me. And the "rearranging" part is so valid also...introverts are so careful about thinking things through before they take action, whether it's with words or deeds. Today is Monochromatic Monday at the Magnetised by Life blog and this is my first time contributing. I'm glad I discovered this prompt - I don't often create monochromatic images, so this is new and fun. In fact, I hope my image above is monochromatic enough...the simple, unassuming tones of this photo also remind me of the introvert...we're quiet and in the background. But we have our own unique things to offer, even if our presence is more subtle. And sipping my morning coffee is definitely one of my most treasured solitary moments of the day. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sherri i really love your words on the introvert & how you have related them to your's lovely to see a monochrome image in a colour other than b&w..i'm very grateful you particpated today & hope to enjoy more of your images & words over at monochrome monday, thanks for joining in.

  2. So beautiful, gentle and what an amazing quote collecting and curating that appeals to the historian in me...

  3. Dear Sherri - this is a lovely post - your picture as well as your thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thought collecting is quite a lovely way to put it, lovely image here.

  5. So lovely. We definitely are collectors of thought :)

  6. Absolutely a beautiful monochromatic image, and love that mug!

  7. I like that, too! In fact, I think I might start using that in social settings. "So Bone, what do you do?" "I'm a collector of thoughts." Yes, I like the ring of that.

    (I'm so behind on reading.)
