Tuesday, October 30, 2012

All is Well, and Thank You

around the neighborhood

around the neighborhood

around the neighborhood

around the neighborhood

around the neighborhood

Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment wishing us well during Hurricane Sandy...we are very lucky that we made it through the storm with our power intact and no real damage to our property. One large branch fell in our front yard but missed the house, and a large tree on our neighbor's property fell over and narrowly missed our storage shed. It is suspended by surrounding trees so it didn't even damage the fence between our properties, thank goodness. We see no visual damage at all, so we're very grateful! I'll keep all of you in my thoughts who are dealing with the after effects of this huge storm. Here are a few more photos I've been working on - editing my images helped keep my mind off the gusting winds these past 24 hours! Thanks so much for stopping by and, again, I deeply appreciate your good thoughts.


  1. Glad to hear you are safe and sound. The worst we have had in Northwest Ohio is a lot of wind and some heavy, wet snow. We're very fortunate.

  2. Glad that all is well with you. Your images certainly are soothing.

  3. Beautiful photos! So glad to hear you are safe and sound and had no damage.

  4. I'm so glad to hear you made it through the storm so well. Love these fall colour images, especially the ones with the water. So beautiful.

  5. Such good news that you are safe and well. The photos are lovely! x

  6. So happy to hear that you are safe and sound! Beautiful images - are these from after the storm? If so, your trees sure hung on to their leaves better than ours did!

  7. So glad that everything was ok for you with this storm . So much damage! Lovely shots Sherri, and glad you are fine!

  8. Phew.

    Glad you are safe. And I hope the wind didn't blow all the leaves off your trees. Literally and figuratively. (I don't even know what that means.)

  9. So glad that you fared so well through the storm.

  10. So glad to hear you made it through in such good shape! The photos are lovely, as always. :)
