Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Lake Landscape

More myself

A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature. ~Henry David Thoreau

One good thing that comes with getting older is self-acceptance...understanding who we are and being fine with it. I love that I've reached the point in my life where I'm content with who I am, despite my flaws (of which there are many). I embrace my solitary nature, my sensitivity, my creativity...these things suit me well and I wear them comfortably. This week's prompt at Bonnie's Photo Art Friday is "liquid". I started with a photo I took of our community lake. I added hearts to the depths of the water, and a flock of birds to the sky. The quote seemed to fit, so I added it in. Thanks so much for stopping by - please visit Bonnie's site for more photo art! (button below)

Photo Art Friday


  1. What a beautiful image and I loved your thought process. Valerie

  2. Sherri you always do such amazing and artistic work. Thank you so much for letting me use your poem in my neices journal that I did. I so appreciate it and thought it was a beautiful addition to the journal in memory of her. I cannot wait to but the first poetry book that you publish..... so hey,,,, I am getting old here.... lOL. Beautiful work this week and beautiful sentiments. Thanks also so much for all of your support in this difficult time i have had! Hugs

  3. Such a beautiful photo and I love the added words!

  4. Beautiful! Looks like a very peaceful place.

  5. How wonderful! This is beautifully artistic!

  6. What a beautiful piece of "liquid" art Sherri, and I love the touch of the hearts and especially the birds. The quote is wonderful, but then again I love Henry's quotes.

  7. beautiful piece - love the hearts in the water

  8. Can tell how well you wear yourself as this image personifies that feeling. Love the colours and that font (what is it?)

  9. Very good processing. Look like an vintage. Lovely fonts :)

  10. This is a beautiful, peaceful image, I love it.

  11. Beautiful processing - it evokes a very calming feeling.

  12. Lovely work, Sherri! I thought those were hearts - great element! Enjoyed your quote choices, too!

  13. wow, wow, and wow! :) this is such a beautiful piece! so peaceful and yet there is a motion in it!

  14. Beautiful and meaningful on every level ... but I have come to expect that when I visit here Sherri. This blog is such a reflection of who you are. Love that Thoreau quote. Thank you for sharing your creative spirit with Photo Art Friday.

  15. Wonderful and very meaningful. I love the vintage and artisic feel your piece has and yes the quote fits it perfectly.

  16. You have touched so may that are in the process of finding comfort in themselves. We are all at a different place, but we can learn from where you are and strive for that self aware contentment in our lives. You illustrate, through all phases of art, what we we have to look forward to.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  17. Dear Sherri - Stopped to visit your blog for the first time. You are certainly an artist with the camera. The lovely photo above is beautiful. Enjoyed the way you caught the geese overhead. Took time to read your wonderful - thanks for letting me share some of the beauty you have to give with your photos as well as your words. God Bless.

  18. Perfect pics and nicely edited.

    Check out mine here

  19. Utterly BEautimous, Sherri, and deeply moving, too. I love how you DO weave an image and words. Always inspiring and generous. Thank you for this gift you've shared...

  20. Love the photo art work you have made! Wonderful processing,- colors and text fits this image so well!

  21. Sherri, this is amazing. How did you get the effect of the birds flying on the horizon?

    1. I added the birds as a separate reverse mask layer in PSE. So much fun to do!

  22. A beautiful picture fine textured.

  23. Sherri so beautiful and the quote is perfect. Thanks for visiting me today on my new blog the curled frames are fun aren't they?
    I got them from Katie Pertiet at Designer Digitals....

  24. I saw this photograph as your cover on facebook. I absolutely love it!
