Sunday, June 17, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

The prompts for this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday were challenging! No "one word" prompts this week...we're talking full-blown sentences! lol.

1. Meet Me at the Corner. We went to the Baltimore Aquarium at the Inner Harbor yesterday. There were corners everywhere for us to meet at, and there were also GAZILLIONS of people. I think everyone had the same idea to go there because of the gorgeous weather!
Baltimore Inner Harbor

2. What's Wrong With This Pic? My husband and I were walking through the forest reserve park while at Hilton Head, and a beautiful heron suddenly walked out onto the path right in front of us. We were so surprised! He didn't seem to mind us being nearby, and stood there unperturbed while we took pictures.
blue heron

3. Mother Nature Meets Technology. Hurricane Beryl affected Hilton Head Island the week we were there; thankfully, we only got winds and rain for about 24 hours. The clouds started rolling in on Monday afternoon and we made sure to head to the beach to get a peek. I snapped away with my camera (that's the technology part).
Hurricane Beryl Clouds

4. One Step at A Time. These two seagulls were scrounging for food, one step at a time.
Two seagulls

5. Standing Tall. While walking down a path on the island, I rounded a bend and saw these beautiful, towering pine trees.
Tall trees

Please visit Ashley's blog to see more great Scavenger Hunt Sunday photos (button below)!


  1. I love the color and composition of all of them!

  2. Beautiful series - especially love the clouds on the beach.

  3. These are all lovely, and I remember you said you processed alot of photos on your phone. Were these done with your phone programs?? All very nice. Glad you did not get the full brunt of a hurricane. That is something I have experienced before, and is not so great.

    1. Jeanne, none of these were with my phone this time around. And I'm very glad I've never felt the wrath of a full-blown hurricane!

  4. I love the picture of the harbor - sooo busy! But such a fun place to go! Gorgeous pics as always, Sherrie!

  5. Loved your pictures. Corner is great and what's wrong shot is wonderful. Great set. Thanks.

  6. Great shots! I love them all. I've been to Hilton Head a few times... your pictures make me want to go back!

  7. What a beautiful sky as Beryl rolled in. The clouds are gorgeous.

  8. These are all wonderful. My Top 2 favorites were your Meet Me at the Corner...the scene is just alive with all kinds of visual interest.
    The #1 pick...Mother Nature Meets Technology. - That is just fabulous.

  9. Wonderful photos this week. I especially love your first shot, although I'm sure you could have done without the gazillion people! :)

  10. I love standing tall - beautiful processing.

  11. Wow, that's a LOT of people!

    We encountered a heron our last trip to the beach. It stood in the middle of the pier for like five minutes. Finally, when we moved over to the edge of the pier, it walked by. It had been waiting for us to move all that time.
