Sunday, July 1, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Has it really been a week since I last did this? The time went so quickly! This week's prompts are sunset, sweet, hanging around, funny face, and space. Once again, most of these (all but the spider) are from my Hilton Head vacation photos that I'm still working on processing. Slowly but surely, I'm getting through them!

1. Space. The wide open spaces in Hilton Head take my breath away. Suddenly, I can breathe...the stress just floats away. If only I could go there once a month instead of once a year...
marsh branch

2. Sweet. Our 21-year old daughter is in a serious relationship now, so this year her boyfriend came to the beach with us. It was our first time having "a boyfriend" be part of our vacation experience. It went really well - he's a great guy! I captured this shot of them walking in front of us...I thought it was a very sweet photo.

3. Hanging Around. This was a teeny, tiny flower hanging out and growing wild near the marsh. It was no larger then a pea. I went in close with my camera and was thrilled with the detail once I uploaded it.
macro flower

4. Funny Face. Can it count that I'm sure I made a very funny face while capturing this image? lol...I'm scared to death of spiders, but the photographer in me won out and I'm glad it did. I'm pretty sure a little scream of terror squeaked out of me while taking this photo. (And he really wasn't big at all - I just got in close.)

5. Sunset. I captured this one evening on our way back to the beach house from the ocean. The light was just right - those precious few minutes at sunset when the sun's rays edge everything in a beautiful, golden light.

Please click on the button below to see more great photos, or to visit and see what next week's prompts are! Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Lovely photos. I know that day is coming for us when the serious relationship will happen for our daughter, and that the boyfriend will become part of the family. Glad that things went really well.

  2. Great shots and I can only imagine that squeek of terror when you took the spider photo. You should see the spider that was in my bed at the cabin. My squeak was more like a huge series of screams. Thought it was a tarantula.

  3. Everyone of your shots are so great, I couldn't pick a favorite! The details on the flower are exquisite and the spider is amazing!

  4. Love your sweet and hanging around!

  5. Your set is just lovely.
    I loved your Wide-opened Space Shot and the Sunset - Both look so peaceful.
    Sweet - Very charming, isn't young love grand!
    Hanging Around - Exquisite Flower
    Funny Face - Yeah I kinda feel the same about spider's but there is something about photographing them that just makes them a little less scary - Yours is a beauty.

  6. that spider is scary looking. great pic of the web. yep... i remember our first camping trip taking the girl's boyfriends! it changed the dynamics of the trip - but, it was certainly fun for all of us to share our love of camping with two new guys. I'm sure your daughter's boyfriend had a blast! the pics are incredible.

  7. I love the couple walking together photo. It is just so tender in its composition... Time is not passing... it is flying.

  8. I love all the shots. Stunning light on them.

  9. Great shots! If you look closely at the spider's body, it looks like a clown's face with his head tilted back laughing with his mouth open. Funny face indeed! I'm visiting from Kim and Xanthe's BTS class.

  10. Great photos. I like the little flower in hanging around.

  11. You have a great selection of pictures here. I love the one of your daughter and her boyfriend. Did she know you were taking it?

  12. You made a wonderful set. They are all such nice pictures. I really like your sunset and your sweet is just too... sweet :)
