Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Green on Green

green on green
lone tree bud
spider plant tendril
hosta leaves

Now is there silence through the summer woods, in whose green depths and lawny solitudes the light is dreaming. ~Edward Dowden, In July

We've reached that point at our house where our shady, summer yard is an endless sea of green, green, green. There's hardly any color...although my blogger friend Bone recently reminded me that green is indeed a color! lol. (You must read Bone's blog - I am a huge fan. His charming, hilarious, self-effacing writing will draw you in immediately.) And he's right - how could I forget how beautiful and serene green can be? So I went out with my camera and I really looked around...I found some beautiful things, mostly green, but beautiful just the same. The cool greens are a soothing sight when out amidst the stifling heat and humidity. The first photo is my submission for Kim's Texture Tuesday - we had to share an image with the theme "natural". My hydrangea is as natural as it gets...I used Kim's "I Am" texture at Soft Light/27%. The remaining photos are texture free, although I put all of them in my beloved Radlab and used filters to tweak them till I liked how they looked. And I should clarify that the moth was actually on my kitchen window glass - it wasn't flying midair when I took the photo! It sure looks like it, doesn't it? Thank you for stopping by and if you'd like to see some more texturized photos at Texture Tuesday, please click on the button at the bottom of this post!



  1. Lovely photos. I love green...Bone is right, it most definitely is a colour! Love the softness of the greens in the shot with the moth and the one above it. Beautiful.

  2. Great photography! Trees and green always make me feel calmed. I love your blog by the way!

  3. You should NEVER have admitted that butterfly wasn't captured mid-flight....I would NEVER have known :) G orgeous. And going to check out that blog right now!

  4. I need to remember that about green being a color...you captured that lesson beautifully in your photos. Our spring blooms have faded with the increasing summer heat. But as you say, there is still much beauty to be found.

  5. Lovely! Nice catch of the moth in flight!

  6. Funny, I've been wishing for more colour lately, too! Thanks to Bone for the reminder that green is a colour. Great images. I really love the one with the moth.

  7. Green is my favorite color. These photos are lovely. I especially like the hydrangea.

  8. These are beautiful. Great capture on the moth~

  9. I would have never know had you not confessed, but it's a brilliant shot anyway (moth) love them all! And yes green is a great color...

  10. Fab , so lush and serene truly a colour for the senses great photos x

  11. Spectacular. Love the hydranga's! That soft whitish green color. And the moth - thanks for the explanation! I love it when things are so green in the shade that even the air feels green.

  12. your moth capture is fantastic and love the hostas!

  13. How were you able to capture the moth flying? This is stunning, I have no words. I am in awe.

  14. I love that third photo with the ??? flower, and your butterfly capture is super!

  15. You must have really clean windows:)

  16. Lovely! Green is definitely one of our fav colors. :)
    Cool capture of the moth on you kitchen window glass! It sure looks like it's flying. :D

  17. Fantastic photographs, I like to visit so beautiful places. I am greeting

  18. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! You are so nice!

    Love the butterfly shot. I did think it was in mid-flight! I saw one fluttering around at the golf course the other day and never could get a picture of it. So when I saw yours, I was like, "How did she do that?!?!"
