Sunday, July 15, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

This week's prompts for Scavenger Hunt Sunday are water, petal, fresh, eight, and calm. Please click on the button at the bottom of this post to see more great photos, or to see what next week's prompts are...join in! It's a lot of fun. :)

1. Petal. This was a Hilton Head flower - is this a hibiscus?? Whatever it is, it's beautiful! I'd love to have one of these in my own yard...

2. Calm. The sunsets have been beautiful this past week. This was right outside my house, looking down the street. So serene, and definitely calm! *happy sigh*

3. Fresh. Freshly sliced kiwi...anymore, I find myself photographing my food before I eat it. :)

4. Eight. This was a tough one. I tried several versions of eight, but this is the one I finally chose. These stones and shells are some we collected during a beach stay in Rehoboth, Delaware. I keep them in a glass jar on my window sill because they bring back such fond memories.

5. Water. I took a walk down by our community lake this week. This is one of the shots I got...I liked that this one had the clouds reflected in the water.
lake reflection


  1. Hi!
    Great snapshots! The flower is beautiful. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  2. Oo I love calm and eight! But, as always, these are all wonderful!

  3. A great series Sherri!! I particularly LOVE your fresh. I have Kiwi Fruit on my breakfast every morning. I love your calm too.

  4. That is a hibiscus, and a beautiful one too. Great collection, nicely presented.

  5. Very cool set. I love your bowl of kiwi's!!!

  6. These are wonderful Sherri!
    I especially love that beautiful sky in the second one.
    Happy Sunday to you!

  7. Fabulous responses! Love the color of that hibiscus. WOW!

  8. Wonderful set.
    Petal - Glorious!
    Calm and Water are both so pretty.

  9. I love hibiscus. they remind me so much of my childhood and kiwis are my mom's favorite fruit! I think the 8 set is perfect, so earthy

  10. Pretty shots. I really like the kiwi shot, they look so fresh and lush against the weathered wood background!

  11. Beautiful! I really like your shot of the Kiwi. It's colors pop in that white bowl, and I love the texture of the table. What a nice contrast to the fruit!

  12. Really like the kiwi shot! Very rustic and fresh!

  13. These are lovely, I will check out the camera. Thanks so much!

  14. Lovely set of photos. My favourites are the hibiscus, the kiwi fruit and your "eight".

  15. A lovely set, Sherri. I esp. like the last one, so serene, so calm... would love to walk there for a while. Happy new week!

  16. I had no idea what that flower was. I woulda said a Yellow-Eyed Susan, maybe :0

    I, too, especially liked the last photo. Reminded me of a vintage, slightly faded postcard.

  17. Beautiful - love the processing on calm and your last shot.

  18. That is a hibiscus and a common easy to grow one at that,shove a cutting in the ground and off she will go!If these were taken with your Panasonic Lumix DMC LX5 I am definately getting one of those!
    Back again LOL!
