Monday, April 30, 2012

Reaching for the Sun

Wild flower

I stumbled upon this wild flower in the woods behind my delicate flower, in the midst of tall trees, happily existing with no worries. How I wish I could be like that flower, free from worry and life's everyday stresses! Finding it made me smile and brightened my day; flowers always do that. They're so perfectly beautiful, each and every one - especially the wild ones. They weren't planted intentionally by human hands; they were brought to that place by the wind, by the whims of mother nature, sprawled there and growing...basking in the elements and not worrying about what the weather or tomorrow will bring. What a beautiful reminder.


At the bottom of my heart
In that place just before tears
Lies a dark, hidden hollow
Strewn with hesitations
Swollen seeds of fear
Smudged with my fingerprints
An untended mess, an
Overgrowth of worries
In an arc that won't disappear

While outside in nature's garden
Sprawled along earth's fault lines
Every flower has tended itself
In the succulent air of spring
Accepting its part in the story
No woeful beatings of the heart
Its petals steeped only in dew
Purely basking in the essence
Of its own color

Flowers reaching for the sun
With no squaring off or circling
Around the rain and thunder messages
Just an unquestioned knowing
While their roots lie in darkness
To sleep tenderly in the soil
To wholly grow tall toward
The light and blue sky
If a story is to be told at all.

© Sherri Brannon

 then, she {snapped}


  1. Beautiful flower, and beautiful poem. You should be published if you are not!!!

  2. Wonderful picture - all that white amongst the green. Lovely. Your poem is really nice too - are these your own words?

  3. Thank you so much, Jeanne and Ellie!

    Ellie, yes, the poem is my own.

  4. so sherri!! Are you in the process of doing a poetry book???

  5. Yet again, your talents amaze and inspire me :)

  6. Sherri, this poem took my breath away! Thank you!

  7. what a beautiful poem to accompany your wild flower find. my "garden" at the back of the house is made up mostly of yucca plants, day lilies,hen and chicks and where ever black-eyed susans, queen anne's lace and milk weed comes up. if the black-eyed susan is in the middle of the yard, i leave it. my family thinks i am be it. i always say...if God planted it there...who am i to mow it over. i love my happy back yard growing spot. thanks for stopping by today.

  8. Hi Sherri
    LOVE your poem and picture, and thanks for the kind words on my blog.. Kindred spirits.. :)
    Thank you!

  9. I know you won't believe this, but I was thinking about your blog last night (and how I needed to get over here and comment). And I had in my mind that I was going to leave a hint that if you wanted to include a poem with some of your pictures, no one would complain :) And I come here today and you already did!

    I definitely agree there are great lessons to be learned from the flowers and birds and such.

  10. Oh my Sherri, your poetry is beautiful!

  11. Such a beautiful wildflower and poem! Your photo is lovely!

  12. Amazing flower and fantastic poem ~ lovely combination ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  13. Wow...what a picture, and that poem!! This was over the top!

  14. Amazing photography and writing - love them both!!

  15. beautiful poem and photo!
    thanks for sharing both.

    happy thursday!

    i love your blog!

  16. Beautiful, beautiful photo and beautiful poem as well! :0)

  17. That is gorgeous! Your're angle and focus are spot on too!!

  18. Wonderful thoughts....and your focus on that flower is perfect!
