Sunday, April 1, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

The five prompts this week were clouds, sun flare, seven, high angle, and low angle. Click the button at the bottom of this post to see more submissions, or to participate yourself!

1. Clouds. There have been some pretty sunsets this past week.
Sunset clouds

2. Sun Flare. I have no idea how to achieve a proper sun flare photo, so I took my trusty point-and-shoot and, well...pointed directly at the sun. I have a feeling there's more expertise required than that, right? This was the most interesting shot I captured.
sun flare

3. Seven. I put some of my art supplies in bundles of seven, thinking I'd choose one and go with it. But just one bundle looked very bare, so I tried it with all three bundles together. It looks much better, but now it looks like I can't count.
art supplies

4. High Angle. There was nowhere nearby me this week for me to go way up high, so I did the best I could and put these plants on the floor and photographed them from above. Again, I feel like I'm taking lots of liberties with the prompts this
sunlight and shadows

5. Low Angle. I tried very hard to quietly sneak up on my sweet pup while she slept. I laid down and was just about to snap the photo at her eye level when she woke up and stared at me with her "smushy sleep" face. I have to say I was happier with this look than the "sound asleep" one. Such a cutie she is!
interrupted sleep


  1. That is a beautiful sunset! And I like how your sun flare turned out. I laughed at your description of seven, I think it looks pretty amazing :)

  2. Beautiful pictures on your site. enJOYing them. You've taken advantage of this Spring's early gifts as well.

  3. Lovely sunset! The clouds are gorgeous.

    I also like your high angle shot and bundles of seven. Who,s counting, right?

  4. Your pup is adorable! And I like your perspective of 7.

  5. The smushy sleep face IS adorable.
    Nice set of shots!

  6. Great collection you have this week. I really like your "7"...the colors, the angle, the creativity. And I like BOTH the composition and the lighting in your sunflare shot. And seriously, I think your pup is smiling at you :)

  7. Your dog shot is so special!!!! Also love the sun flare.

  8. That sun flare picture is so beautiful! I love the composition and the colors. Really really pretty. And your pup is so cute too!

  9. Beautiful collection - really love those first two shots.

  10. That last one of your pup is so precious! She looks as though she is grinning at you.

  11. Such wonderful photos this week. I love your 7 shot..

  12. Terrific photos, not a favourite here as I love them all! Suzy x

  13. Your pup looks so happy! :-D
