Friday, August 17, 2012

Photo Art Friday - Container

baltimore inner harbor

For this week's Photo Art Friday, we were to center our image around the word "container". I chose this image I took at the Baltimore Aquarium of some of the boats in the hold people, right, so don't they count as a container? :)

I used Bonnie's "Age It" texture at Difference/92%. I then played around again with Gradient Map (black to white) blends, first at Darker Color/100% and then at Normal/75%. I wanted it a little darker, so I duplicated it and used the Multiply blend at 100%. I finished it up in RadLab to warm it and sharpen it.

The next ten days will be very busy for me as my daughter gets ready to move back to school...I will try to post if I can, but if I'm not here you'll know why. Things should be back to normal for me by August 27th. Thank you for stopping by - please click on the button below to visit more creative photo art!

Photo Art Friday


  1. Your picture is beautiful and your explanation of how you edited very informative. I only have PSE and don't think I have a "Multiply Blend" filter ... is there anything I could use that would do something similar?

    Hope your daughter has a wonderful year at school. It is an exciting time when school starts again and also difficult to get back into old routines. Wish you both well ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  2. Unique take on containers. You are correct - a boat is a container!

  3. You've created such a vintage piece here, Sherri. So many interesting details. Have some great mother-daughter time.

    p.s. For Andrea - I work in PSE too and Multiply blend is one of the blending modes you have - it's right up near the top of the list.

    1. Thanks, Bonnie, for answering Andrea's question! :)

  4. Great interpretation and I love the image. Well done!

  5. Oh Sherri, what a great piece of art you created! I love the colors you got in that, just wow!

  6. I really like your interpretation! wonderful processing, as well!

  7. A lovely work of art. Hope your daughter has a lovely year at school. :)

  8. that is amazing info and talent you have. thank you for sharing.

  9. So beautiful Sherri. I will be thinking of you as your daughter gets ready to leave. Hope everything goes smoothly :)

  10. You continue to inspire me. Wonderful!!

  11. Wonderful piece of "art" as you've given this a very artisitic look. I love the texture and colors of your piece. It's really nice.

  12. What a lovely container you have created. So much that these boats "contain'. Very nice processing and hope things are going smoothly with the home to school transition!

  13. Again - I love this. So creative!
