Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Choiceless as a Beach


The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach – waiting for a gift from the sea. ~Ann Morrow Lindbergh

This week's Texture Tuesday is "anything goes" - no texture required if you so choose. I must confess I've lost my focus with photography this past week...a friend I love dearly received some devastating news and I've been preoccupied. It's really thrown me off my photography game. So, I hope it's OK that I went back to some of my Hilton Head vacation photos that I've never shared...this is a photo of some driftwood that I took at the beach one day. I love the mood of this photo - I wish I was back at the beach today! I would love to walk beside that beautiful water. Thanks for stopping by - please click on the link below to see some more lovely photos.



  1. So sorry to hear about your friend. Hope all will be well. The photo is beautiful and yes, it's absolutely okay to share something from the archives!

  2. Sorry to hear about your friend. Lovely photo and such an inspiring quote.

  3. Sherri, I'm so sorry to hear about your friends news. I wish you could come with me and we could walk the beach together...it is so therapuetic!! And yes of course, completely okay to share from the archives. hugs, xo

  4. Sherri so sorry to hear of your friends news . Your photo is so beautiful virtual hugs ....

  5. Sorry to hear about your friends devastating news. Hope all will be well with her.
    The photo is lovely.

  6. Your photo is beautiful.
    Sorry to hear of your friend's troubles. It's good to have a friend like you, who cares so much. Hope all works out well.

  7. I hope to wind up at the beach one day. For good. Maybe we'll be neighbors. Distant ones though, like half a mile apart maybe :)

    Sorry to hear about your friend. I know you'll be a friend and a comfort to them.

  8. I love the windswept feeling of this beach with its gnarly driftwood.

  9. So sorry to hear about your friend but know that she is very fortunate to have you close and your support at such a time.
    This is a stunning photograph - I also love the mood...thank you for sharing it!

  10. Psst... you've won the Very Inspiring Blogger award! http://www.poeticaperture.com/2012/08/08/very-inspiring-blogger-award-wordpress-photo-challenge/

  11. It is okay to step back when you need to. Focus on what is important at the moment, the rest will take care of itself.

  12. I hope all works out for your friend, Sherri. This is a beautiful poignant photo and I love Ann Morrow Lindbergh's 'Gift From The Sea'. I've read it 50 times at least . . .
