Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Looking Down

beach flowers

Total physical and mental inertia are highly agreeable, much more so than we allow ourselves to imagine. A beach not only permits such inertia but enforces it, thus neatly eliminating all problems of guilt. It is now the only place in our overly active world that does. -John Kenneth Galbraith

For this week's Texture Tuesday, Kim has asked us to use one of her textures with an image featuring "looking down" (or in my case, "on the ground"...lol). This month has become so busy that I've had very little time to pick up my camera. My daughter heads back to college in two weeks and things are hectic while we organize, pack, and prepare! So, I hope no one minds that I picked a beach photo from my archives for this week's prompt. It takes me back to that wonderful week when I thoroughly enjoyed some total mental inertia. On one of our daily walks by the ocean, I saw these sweet beach flowers sprawled along the beach line and I couldn't resist getting down to their level. How I envy these flowers! They spend their days with a breathtaking view, the salty air, and the soothing sounds of the ocean...



  1. Sherri such a lovely shot their heads looking up to the sun...

  2. Beautiful shot and beautiful texture work! The colours in your image are stunning.

  3. Oh SO beautiful, Sherri!! *triple swoon*

  4. Lovely photo! You do such nice work with the textures.

  5. Lovely photo. Good luck with all the packing. Mallory leaves Sunday, so lots of packing going on here too.

  6. Oh, I really love this quote - and don't you love those flowers. I start seeing these around this time of year on the beach and the butterflies love them! Beautiful photo Sherri!

  7. This is an incredibly busy time of year; almost worse than Christmas. Student scurrying and people trying to still get summer vacations in and such. Good luck with your goals.

  8. The image is exquisite. As for the quote, my issue is that I am too good about sitting completely still and not moving... :P

  9. Beautiful quote and lovely image. :)

  10. Beautiful picture! I could use some physical and mental inertia right now!
