Friday, October 10, 2014

Green Joy

sunlight and green

sunlight and green

Plants cry their gratitude for the sun in green joy. ~Terri Guillemets

Soon everything will explode into brilliant reds, yellows, and oranges, but for now I'm basking in the last of the summer green-glow. These images represent all I'm feeling emotionally right now: oh-so-grateful for the sun on my face, overwhelmed with the beauty of the green, sad to see it go, excitedly anticipating the change of color that's coming...I feel a jumble of both joy and sadness that creates an overflowing heart lined with a soft sadness.

My daughter officially moves to The Big Apple tomorrow...autumn is the perfect season for her to leave, because the feelings of fall perfectly match my real life emotions. Her new life in NYC makes me very happy for her...what an exciting, new path she's on. And I will look forward to visiting the city! But it's also a bit sad and bittersweet as I adjust to her living far away. Life is constant change, just like nature's seasons. The secret to life is how we adapt to it...and thank goodness for Facebook, texting and Skype! My daughter will be hearing from me quite often. :)

How is fall coming along where you are? Bask in the beauty of it!

Kim Klassen dot com


  1. I love when the sun shines down through the last of the green leaves like that and you have captured it so well.

  2. You are just entering the most gorgeous season ... we are on the way out where I live ;) You are also entering a brand new season with your daughter moving away ... I'm sure you will find beauty and happiness in the the next stage of your life.

  3. Glorious greens in your images! Here in Seattle we have already graduated to the gold and crimson colors of Fall. Wishing your daughter happiness with her new adventure in NY. Happy Friday!

  4. It must have been a glorious day to take these fabulous shots, love. love, love!

  5. Yes, acceptance is the answer to life's changes.
    And it widens our horizons too, to have our children move away.
    Even though we don't always see it as such at the time.
    A green curtain which will come out coloured in the wash :-)

  6. We must let our chicks go. So pleased that she is following her dream.

  7. You will do great! Even though it is hard, but visiting the Big Apple sounds like lots of fun.

  8. Loving that lens flare. It's still so very green here. One tree is beginning to turn on our street and I see a few locust trees are starting to show a bit of yellow. I see some great NY adventure shot coming up. Exciting.

  9. I love how you captured the sun coming through the leaves and the shadows cast by the top layer of leaves. My thoughts are with you as you go through this new phase with your daughter leaving. It is difficult. I find texting and messaging photos, just of ordinary daily things truly does help. It lessens the distance and feelings of loneliness. Buying small things and sending monthly care packages also helps.

  10. Beautiful Sherri ... Enjoy the changing season and the sun light!
    It must be exciting for your daughter to move to the Big City - and you to visit her :)
