Sunday, August 10, 2014

Notes of An August Poet

wild daisies


I take note of the wild daisies that shrink from
the blaze of the day, how they're clumped heavenly sweet
like little white stars from my childhood; I ache

for the petalled lungs of coneflowers, labored
and drooping, how they're dumbed down by heat,
half-masted in anticipation of their short lives.

I hunt for comfort beneath the giant oak as it shades me
with its gigantic ideas, noticing the space between
the branches more than the branches themselves, watching

as a flock of wrens scatter, still keeping the shape
of the tree they fled from, shaking the last of July
off their wings.

I wander and pause, eyeing the gluttonous bee
as it double dips its belly in golden sugar,
seeking solace in a snapdragon's throat. I sweat,

and daydream, and wave hello to August, inhaling
its humid breath while my heart swells,
while the spider weaves, while the peach grows.

© Sherri Brannon 2014

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade a grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things in nature have a message you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive. ~Eleanora Duse

I'm sharing my poem today at Poets United - click HERE to go visit! Thank you for stopping by. I took the photo with my iPhone and used the Mextures app to give it a little more character.


  1. You have captured well the transition from July to August...I noted especially the mention of August's 'humid breath' and the growing of the peaches. SO August. Smiles.

  2. This is both beautiful and so carefully and subtly observed, Sherri. What often strikes me in August is the shortening of the days.

  3. Well written and great visual :-)

  4. beautifully captured the wonder and joy of creation and nature. Well done.

  5. I love this... Especially capturing the space between branches.., we need to look deeper into the voids - the possibility of what's new...

  6. "shaking the last of July off their wings"......this is such a beautiful poem, wondrous imagery.....your closing stanza is perfection!

  7. ah golden sugar indeed...beautifully descriptive poem...

  8. "shaking the last of July
    off their wings."
    What a wonderful thought!
    It seems like you have Michaelmas daisies already. Are they slightly mauve?

  9. Lovely photo and poem Sherri
    I am loving August ...

  10. love the awareness in this...all the touches of life going on around you from the flowers to the bees to the spiders...we were looking at a web just a bit ago that had like 100 baby spiders on it...they must have just hatched....

  11. such wonderful images, i could sit under that oak..

  12. This is prayerful, soulful, beautiful. I think my soul is more and more alive, the older i get and appreciate what matters. Enjoyed.

  13. oh i love this... august's humid breath while my heart swells,
    while the spider weaves, while the peach grows.... very soulful and felt seasonal write Sherri
