Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Little Bits of Life

little bits of life

little bits of life

little bits of life

Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
And can I sail through the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
~Landslide (Fleetwood Mac)

This week's Song-ography prompt is Landslide by Fleetwood Mac. In my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. It moves me to tears when I hear it...especially as I get a bit older. The lyrics are profound...and of course, after seeing them up above, the song is officially stuck in my head and I'm singing it out loud as I compose this blog post. :)

I'm so incredibly grateful to photography. It has comforted me and given me such joy these last four years as I adjust to the different seasons of my life. It's one of the few hobbies I have stuck with. I have so much love and passion for it...it takes me outside myself and reminds me there's a whole world of miracles out there for those who will notice. It gives me something to look forward to every day, even through the landslides. Whether I'm having an up day or a down day, I can go outside with my camera and feel peace while I seek out something alive in nature. It's there waiting every moment of every day - little bits of beauty and life. We just have to look.

Please click HERE and visit Kathy's blog for this week's Song-ography prompt - she has such a gift for writing, and her post this week is very moving.


  1. I am so grateful photography came back into my life - like you, it can refocus my attention to wonderful and beautiful things, which can be such a blessing. These are wonderful images.

  2. Me too. Photography has been such a HUGE blessing/life saver these past years!!

  3. The texture in those mushrooms is beautiful, it almost reminds me of a wedding dress!

  4. Your second picture is amazing. One of the best mushroom shots I have ever seen.


  5. I agree, I just love this song. It is a hobby that lets me escape the world and just be. Gorgeous images!

  6. What wonderful heartfelt words, Sherri. I agree ... if I'm feeling blue I can pick up my camera and go look for miracles - works every time :) Love your pretty captures today!

  7. Oh my...that shot taken from under the mushroom is so magical! You truly have a gift. So glad to see you link up to Song-ography with this post.

  8. Wow these shots are great. The mushroom shot has such detail. I know as I get older too life really seems so different then it did as a kid. Seasons come and go and life carries on. I'm glad you find joy in your photography and share that joy with us.

  9. Truly wonderful shots.
    It's easy to see that you love photography through the photos you share ... they speak of your love ...

  10. That is a great song! You have such a gift for recognizing the miracles and beauties of creation.
