Wednesday, August 20, 2014

App Happy Wednesday: DistressedFX


Lone tree.

Overhead the birds are calling, their cries seeming to fill the air. As I watch, they rise, flinging their bodies against the sky, intent upon the moment, spinning and turning like embers or smoke upon the air. I envy them, this life of theirs, the way they live so free of themselves, they are without past, without future, an exaltation of life beating in so many parts, rising up into the infinity of space. Watching them I find I want to weep, and yet I have no tear. ~James Bradley

One of my favorite apps, DistressedFX, has recently offered an in-app purchase of additional bird filters...I love them. They often make a so-so landscape image look perfect. Here are two images I've taken recently using the bird filters from DistressedFX. I highly recommend this app! In addition to birds, there are many textures offered that add a distressed or more grungy effect to your photos. Click HERE to visit the DistressedFX website and find links to purchase.

For the first photo, in addition to adding the DistressedFX bird filter, I also put the image into Mextures to give it that beautiful mood. In the second image, I used only DistressedFX - I added the birds and also brought in a custom texture I already had in my camera roll.

Please click below to visit App Happy Wednesday, and join in!

Keeping With The Times


  1. I really like the color variations that Mextures can do with a photo. That first one is superb. I have not yet tried adding my own texture in DistressedFX but I got the rest of the birds and used them on my photo today too. You've had some killer pics of IG lately girl!

  2. Yep! what Roxi said! :) Your work is truly amazing and I'm so happy that you link up to my party! Thank you, Sherri!

  3. Those birds can be so useful at the right time.

  4. Ooooh nice filters! The top photo reminds me of Poe. The second photo makes me wish I could walk right into it, beautiful! I really like that quote too, so true!

  5. Your results are just wonderful. I can't pick a favorite here today.
