Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Branch of Magnificence

August berries


You’re waiting for that magical day when someone makes the connection and recognizes who you really are. Maybe they’ll first catch the sparkle in your eye. Or perhaps they’ll marvel at your insights and the depth of your spirit. Someone who will help you connect the dots, believe in yourself, and make sense of it all. Someone who will understand you, approve of you, and unhesitatingly give you a leg up so that life can pluck your ready, ripened self from the branch of magnificence. Well, I’m here to tell you, your wait is over. That someone, is you. ~Mike Dooley, Notes from the Universe

What a beautiful quote...I need to tape this to my bathroom mirror. We change, we grow, we evolve...and with each day that passes, hopefully we come closer to the realization that it is up to us to acknowledge our own worth. The tree above is in my front yard, and it awes me to watch it evolve with the seasons, changing, altering itself through the elements...continuing to thrive even while parts of it die, wither, and fall to the ground. But through it all, its foundation is deeply rooted...it takes strength from that and continues to grow. Each spring, new life sprouts and the growth continues. Like that tree, I must do the same...letting the parts of me that no longer fit wither and fall. Letting the new parts of me come forward and thrive, in a new season, in a new and wiser me...believing at my core that I am capable of handling whatever life brings me (this is a hard one for me).

I was happy that when I went in search of a spring photo of this tree, I found one with a key hanging from its branches...perfect. The biggest battle we face in life is against ourselves...we are the key to unlocking our own doors. Do I always remember this? No. But I'm old enough now to catch myself, and give myself gentle reminders, on those days when I lapse into insecurities and fears. What about you? How do you remind yourself that you're valuable? Because you truly are.

This is my submission for Kim's Texture Tuesday - today is "anything goes" day, including no texture if you choose. I went without texture today...please click on the button below to visit Kim's site and see more beautiful photos!



  1. Such a beautiful image and quote! Very well done! I enjoyed my visit here very inspirational!

  2. Magnificent photos today, Sherri. And really enjoyed the quote. A great reminder that we are all magnificent. Aren't we?

  3. Beautiful photos and wonderful, heartfelt journaling!

  4. What a beautiful blog post - a wonderful quote and delightful photographs. The tree is just magnificent and the key is fascinating - a very enjoyable visit, thank you.

  5. Ooooooo!!! Look at your boheh!!! Heavenly!! :)

  6. Sherri, fantastic post today. I love the quite and the photos are beautiful.

  7. Hi Sherri,
    Both photos are so gorgeous... love that key hanging from the branches :)
    In the past year, I've been finding it easier to be gentle with myself. It's so difficult to look within for permission and acceptance but with consistent practice I think I'm getting a little better at it :)
    The quote you shared is beautiful.. I think I will copy it somewhere safe for future reference :)
    Happy week!

  8. Oh WOW! I so totally needed this. The lock and key is very symbolic for me, and I attach one to each of my paintings. The quote is so poignant for me... it really spoke to me. I usually don't click on each of the TT posts, but I'm so glad I started going through them one by one today. Thank you for your beautiful imagery and perfect words. :)

  9. That's a WOW quote! :)
    Two lovely photos too, Sherri! The second one in particular would make a beautiful postcard! :)

  10. So beautifully written, Sherri, and it's a great quote indeed !
    Lovely photos, the one with the key is gorgeous !
    Have a nice day,

  11. Love the changing seasons. It is so fun watch one area throughout the whole year. Amazing!

  12. Beautiful photographs and the miraculous post. I am greeting

  13. Very inspirational! Thanks so much!

  14. Well isn't that the most wonderful quote... just what I needed sweet Sherri xxx

  15. I love the key hanging from the tree. A great capture.

  16. Another beautiful and very inspiriting post, Sherri. And perfect combination of quote and images. Those words will remain with me, I hope, for a long time.

    Wishing you a great weekend!
