Friday, September 14, 2012

5 Fact Friday


It's Five Fact Friday over at the Reflection of You blog...I thought I'd share again. Please visit the blog (button below) and participate! I love reading facts about people.

1. When I was three years old, my family lived in England. We were visiting Trafalgar Square in London one day and the pigeons decided my pure white hair was worth looking closely at (and pecking at!). Picture the visual of a flock of pigeons attacking a kid's head, and the hysteria that followed. I'm cautious around pigeons to this day. lol *vividly traumatic memory*

2. I'm an Army brat. I've lived all over the U.S., and also in Turkey, England, Panama, and Germany. I moved three times during high school, which was awful at the time. But getting to see so much of the world was something I wouldn't trade for anything.

3. I sometimes write sad poetry, but this is such a small part of who I am. It's my way of dealing with struggling emotions. If you met me in real life, you'd see that I'm silly and love to laugh. I treasure people with a great sense of humor! It helps get you through life. (see photo above) :)

4. Because of this amazing online world, three of my best friends don't live anywhere near me, and one of them I haven't met in person yet (she's in Australia - the other two are in Canada and North Carolina, respectively). We all talk daily via FB messaging, and are planning a "girl's vacation" together in Las Vegas in 2014. I can't wait! We've been friends online since 2006. *amazing*

5. I am often overcome by the beauty of nature...moved to tears, even. What is up with that??

Thank you for visiting - have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Lol at your photo! So funny! With online classes, I am finding it amazing how friendships are formed with the internet!

  2. Isn't it funny how you can connect with someone on-line! Two of my Best Friends I met about 8 years ago online. Crazy. I would kill my kids if they did that! haha.

  3. I agree, I have met people online that I feel as close to as my own family! Totally loved your story with the pigeons. I was once attacked by seagulls so I totally understand the hysteria!!

  4. I had a laugh at your photo lol... Online friendship can sometimes be more intense and more meaningful than face to face friendships.....

  5. Love your 'stache! How fun to meet your friends next year. I got to meet 3 online friends last week in Vegas. It was great.

  6. Love your "portrait." Nice to laugh at yourself. Nice wishful (I know--not really a word) that I find new friends online as well.

  7. Love your think I fight with the one naturally grows on my upper lip. Maybe I should just celebrate it...not!

  8. You are fabulous! Your facts are so cool! To have lived in and traveled to so many far away places! I totally LOVE the mustache on your selfie! Very chic!

  9. oh my gosh... love your photo..... thank you for the smile....
    and i love that you write your feelings in poetry......

    xo, Kim

  10. I'm sure moving so much was difficult as an Army brat, but what an adventure!

  11. Hi your sense of humour! cool picture. Meeting up with your online friends sounds like so much fun! good for you...

  12. These are a great set of facts, and I mean it. I am really impressed by anyone who writes poetry. How amazing that you have these good friends one whom you have never met.

  13. Sherri you are an amazing person, did you know that?

  14. Wonderful facts. I did not like the deer eating my plants either but I softened when I saw the baby in my backyard. Thanks for visiting.

  15. Hi Sherri,
    Wow you have lived in such beautiful countries. I've been to Turkey once, I really enjoyed my experience there and the food is ah-mazing! :)
    So amazing that you have made wonderful online friends.. blogging is wonderful isn't it? I really hope all of you meet in 2014.. you will have priceless memories that will inspire all of us (I'm a little shy about making friends online but am slowly losing my inhibitions)
    PS I kinda don't like pigeons too :)

  16. Wonderful post, I like to read such stories. I am greeting

  17. I think having seen so much of the world is a great gift -- and so is making friends online. Neat that two are Canadians! Great photo BTW.

  18. Oh, I love those facts. So much I didn't know! By the same token, people think I'd be hilarious in real life, but then they meet me and are like "You know, you're not very funny at all." I'm kidding. I hope.
