Thursday, September 6, 2012

No Stifling Allowed


Is life not a hundred times too short for us to stifle ourselves. ~Friedrich Nietzsche

One of my favorite things about my iphone camera apps is that a lot of them do some very crazy things to photos...I like the playfulness of them, and that I can alter an otherwise normal photo into something very unique. They give me the freedom to "draw outside the lines" and see what happens. The other night I sat and played with an iphone photo I had taken of some leaves. I altered the photo over and over again using different apps. Once I had a handful, it dawned on me I could create a collage (using yet another app). I like that each photo is different but has the exact same color palette; it ties them together and gives them a lovely harmony. This is my submission for This or That Thursday; click on the button below to visit and participate! I've listed below the apps I used for each photo in my collage (clockwise from upper left). If anyone wants to follow me, I'm @sherribrannon on Instagram. You'll find me there often, playing. :)

Photo 1: Snapseed, iColorama S (Edges - Option 1)
Photo 2: Marblecam
Photo 3: Photostudio (Symmetry - there are three to choose from)
Photo 4: iColorama S (Escher - Option 2)
Collage app: Diptich


  1. These are GREAT! Thanks for sharing which apps you use. I'm following you now on Instagram :)

  2. Those are awesome!! I need to find you on instagram!

  3. Oh to make fabric from some of those patterns!

  4. What an amazing collage.


  5. Very interesting, really! Collages are great fun!

  6. Such pretty fall colors!
    I still have an old-like-a-dinosaur cell phone that can only call and send text msgs. ;)

  7. How fun this looks Sherri, and see some new apps that i don't have. Do you have photo toaster. I have had some fun with it , and you can also send a postcard directly from the app to anywhere. What a blast!

  8. Thank you so much for listing your apps that you used, being new to my iPhone and all the app possibilities I am still exploring, but having lots of fun doing it. I love the first one.

  9. These are amazing! Love them, will have to check some of those apps out...and I'm following too so look forward to seeing more of your experiments. :)

  10. So wonderful. I've fallen in love with my iphone and instagram (i'll look for you there! {I'm scrapbookmom17} Love that you listed the aps - the escher one thrills me!! Thanks for this!

  11. Incredibly beautiful colors, and I love all the different effects!

  12. OMG. Totally getting Marblecam right away. So cool.
