Sunday, July 8, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I want to thank all of you who commented on my last post. I was sweating a little about revealing too much, but was so touched by the response. Thank you again! Knowing we're not alone in our fears, flaws and insecurities is incredibly comforting.

The prompts for this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday are view from above, something tiny, vibrant, patriotic, and mosaic.

1. View from above. I used this same photo for my Photo Art Friday submission a couple days back, and decided to use it again without artistic effects because it's perfect for this prompt. From the top of the Baltimore Aquarium, the view out the window was wonderful!
baltimore inner harbor

2. Something tiny. A sweet, little lightning bug resting on a leaf...even the bugs get hot and need to chill for awhile. :)
lightning bug

3. Vibrant. This flower in Occoquan, VA was so vibrant...its shocking orange tint really popped against the backdrop of purple flowers.
bright flower

4. Patriotic. This isn't very original, but I do like the close up I got of our flag this past week.

5. Mosaic. I took and processed this with my iphone...using Photoshop Studio (mosaic effect). Wouldn't this be a great tool for weavers, beaders, and stitchers when planning designs?? I used to bead many years back, and seeing this almost makes me want to pull out my seed beads and loom. Almost...but not quite. lol
iphone mosaic filter

Wishing all of you a great Sunday - thanks for stopping by.


  1. Love that view from above, such a fun aquarium!

  2. Great shots this week, can't pick a favorite!

  3. These are great! View from above and patriotic are gorgeous!

  4. Your view from above is gorgeous. I love the way you choose to edit it. Also the mosaic edit would have come in handy when I did cross stitch way back when. Great set.

  5. Me, too, I love the view from above! Such a wonderful space, that requires a "visit." The mosaic, very cool. Thanks!

  6. What a beautiful series of photos.
    Your mosaic ap is quite intriguing!

  7. Your photos are all great for Scavenger Hunt. My favorite though is the view from above.
    Have a great week.!

  8. Oh Sherri, I love the "something vibrant" one! Truly vibrant.

  9. Great photos for this challenge, Sherri!
    Just read your previous post, your writing and poem is so touching,
    how brave of you to share this with us, and I can really understand
    those emotions ...
    Have a nice week,

  10. Wonderfully..inspiring responses to the prompts. Especially love the 'vibrant' image.

  11. Lovely photos, I especially like Vibrant! x

  12. I think my fav is your flag. Just something about the composition and angle takes it out of the ordinary and into something I want to keep looking at. Beautiful.

  13. Very nice job with the prompts. I loved the View From Above shot on Friday with the processing and I love it just as much without.
    Vibrant is really nice - Those colors look great together.

  14. Very cool set!! Love your view from above shot!

  15. Great set of photos Sherri I love the idea of a scavenger hunt as well. x

  16. Great shots. Love your something tiny. Very Cute.
