Sunday, May 20, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

It's that time again...this week's prompts for Scavenger Hunt Sunday were rainbow, metal, fluffy, letters, and tree(s). I've been so busy this past week and found myself scrambling yesterday to finish up. Click on the button at the bottom of this post to see more photos, and to see next week's prompts. This is such a fun weekly challenge and it really encourages you to get creative!

1. Rainbow - I really took liberties with this one. I haven't seen a rainbow in years, and the last time I did see one, I was in a car without a camera. This photo is from my archives - a shot I took of some beautiful flowers at the Botanical Gardens in Washington, D.C. It's the closest thing I could find that had a "rainbow of colors"...

2. Metal - I love rusty things. When a piece of rusty metal catches my eye on the street, you can bet I'm going to pick it up and add it to my collection. The filigree leaf was my latest find just a few days ago. I was with my daughter when I found it and, as always, I got the side eye when I got so excited about my These are a few of my favorite pieces. One man's trash is another man's treasure...
rust is beautiful

3. Fluffy - This is a tiny flower (weed) in my yard. It's very fluffy, and so pretty! It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Wayne Dyer: "The only difference between a weed and a flower is a judgment."

4. Letters - Last night at 10:15 p.m. I still hadn't figured out a photo for this prompt. It was getting late so I finally just added some text to this blueberry photo I took a few days now has letters (you do what you can with what you've got). The blueberries were delicious, by the way!

5. Tree(s) - This is a wild dogwood tree in our yard...the branches were over my head as I was looking up with my camera.
white dogwood

I wish you a wonderful week - thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love the US Botanical Gardens! I visited there so often in college!Love that tree picture, too!

  2. All wonderful photos for the prompts. I love the blueberries!

  3. I am laughing about getting that side eye look. As the mother of 2 daughters, I can totally relate. It was worth it though because what you found is beautiful. I love that metal photo.

  4. Oh wow...I am just loving all the texture in your "metal" shot! The whole composition is beautiful.

  5. Great set, Sherri . . . hard to pick a fave! Dogwoods? Blueberries . . . no, too hard. My girls are always asking me "What are you taking a picture of now?" complete with rolling eyes and muffled laughter.

  6. Love this the metals shot, and those blueberries look delicious (also like the font you used) and that last shot is a wowzer!!

  7. great set! love the colors in "letters" :-)

  8. I love the tones in rainbow - so pretty.

  9. I love rusty stuff too!! Jealous about your collection though.... :-) Your photographs are as usual, awesome!!!

  10. What great captures you have this week!

  11. I love rusty metal too!
    You "clover flower" is beautiful too - love the quote you included with it!

  12. I love rusty things, also! I love the details of the layers of rust! Also, love your blueberries!

  13. Very nice set. - My top 2 picks: Tree - Such a pretty picture of the Dogwood blooms.
    Fluffy, I like the Clover flower very much.

  14. Wow! These pictures are absolutely amazing! I especially love tree. So beautiful. (And I also loved the more recent picture of the dog with the heart shaped!)
