Monday, May 21, 2012

Hydrangea Study


We are only beginning to learn what to say in a photograph. The world we live in is a succession of fleeting moments, any one of which might say something significant. ~Alfred Eisenstaedt

It amazes me that we've lived in our current house for 16 years, and this is the first year that I've truly paid attention to the growing things in my yard on a regular basis. It makes me kind of sad that all those years I had blinders on when it came to noticing the beautiful things growing right outside my front door. My camera has opened my eyes and now I'm always searching for any little growing thing. I've become especially focused on my hydrangea bush...I took lots of pictures of it last summer and into the fall as it faded away. And now here I am this spring, watching it bud and grow more beautiful with each passing day. I've been taking daily pictures...these are all shots taken in the last 10 days. In the last three days, the beautiful tinge of periwinkle is starting to show on some of the petals. On a side note, I always smile when I hear the word "periwinkle"'s my favorite color, and when my daughter was three she used to call it "purple twinkle".


  1. "Purple Twinkle" makes ME smile too :)

  2. A camera does tend to do that to you, and it is one of the most wonderful things about photography.
    I really love this series of photographs, especially the first one.
    Have a wonderful beginning to your week!

  3. These are lovely! Isn't it so amazing what your camera can give to you.... New eyesight, and what a blessing it is!

  4. Love the purple twinkle on the edge of the hydrangeas. My hydrangeas are looking about like your first one. I'll have to remember to check on them every day and maybe take pictures.

  5. Photography does that to me too, helps open my eyes to the amazing beauty which was always there. Your hydrangea flower photos are gorgeous!

  6. Love the tiny, tiny flowers. Like newborn flower babies. I like that quote, too. Good stuff all around :)
