Sunday, February 26, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

It's time for Scavenger Hunt Sunday...I'm really loving how this weekly prompt challenges me and keeps me busy with ideas and photo attempts! I'm enjoying it a lot.

1. Crossed. I may be stretching it a bit, but this was all I could think of...when I showed this to my husband he asked me why there was dust all over my shoes. So now I feel the need to explain that they're suede - there's no dust! lol

2. A Glimpse. I loved the sunlight in this photo. It's hard to believe I caught this glimpse of spring this past Monday, on a February day. Everything looks green! This is my neighbor's yard.
Glimpse of spring

3. Handwritten. These are some recipes handwritten by my grandmother. I was lucky enough to be given her recipe box when she passed away. I wrote more about it three posts's something I truly treasure. I love seeing the old-fashioned names of my grandma's friends on the recipes: Edrie, Treva, Ruby, Esther, just don't see names like that anymore. They're from another time and place.
Grandma's recipes

4. Bliss. On this photography journey I'm taking, I've discovered that my bliss truly resides in the editing process. I know very little about my camera so far, but I feel pure joy when I can sit and edit my photos into something more beautiful. PSE is my medium, and its tools make no mess (and don't take up any space). Right now, my lovely point-and-shoot camera is more of a means to an end...maybe that will change with time and knowledge? I captured this photo of a fountain near Middleburg, VA, and it's the only photo from my archives this week. I had fun jazzing it up!

5. Gray. This past Tuesday, the clouds suddenly rolled in - I'm amazed it never rained. An hour after I took this photo, the skies were blue again. Weird weather!

Thanks so much for having a look!


  1. beautiful shots! I LOVE the recipe cards.

  2. How wonderful to have those recipe cards!
    Lovely glimpse of spring, too!
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  3. lovely series and I like those socks!

  4. Especially loved your handwritten and gray shot. I also have some handwritten recipes from my grandmother which i cherish, as well as the beautiful script and formation back then. I understand what you mean about the joy in editing photos - it really causes you to think about your personal style.

  5. I actually love your crossed! Esp the way you processed the photo.

  6. Great great set. You are so lucky to have your grandmas old recipe cards. A wonderful keepsake.

  7. Wow! The glimpse is stunning! I can't wait to have some constant spring like weather. I'm tired of all the grey we've had lately.

  8. Your series is really good.
    Crossed, Oh I like the colors in this shot.
    Glimpse, What lovely lighting
    Handwritten, How special to have these recipes cards. I have one of those names you don't see much these days but then again I was named after my Grandmother.
    Bliss, What a lovely fountain and I like your processing, very interesting look and feel.
    Gray - I think this is my favorite of your series.

  9. What a wonderful collection. Especially love 'bliss'!

  10. I love your processing on the photos...........I agree, I can't believe how much fun it is. Great photos!

  11. What a treasure those handwritten recipes from your grandmother are!

  12. This entire set is quite lovely - I especially like your first two shots.

  13. Beautiful photos! I love the processing!

  14. Great set, I think your "crossed" is wonderful, great textures and tones, love the one leaf! Love "Handwritten", what a lovely memory from your grandmother. Love "gray", the bare branches are so beautiful!
