Sunday, February 19, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I am enjoying Scavenger Hunt Sunday so much - I really enjoy getting prompts ahead of time that force me to think and plan about what I want in the photo and how I'm going to shoot it. I'm learning so much and enjoying the creativity! I stayed indoors for every prompt this week, because outside is completely lacking in color.

1. Love. These are the gorgeous flowers my husband gave me for Valentine's Day. They smell so wonderful!
Valentine flowers

2. Duplicate. This one took some thinking. I finally found a tutorial on making paper flowers; I took pages from the phonebook to create duplicate petals and then glued them together to form the flower. That counts, right? :) Click HERE for the tutorial.
Paper Flower

3. Trend or Trendsetting. I took the suggestion of checking Twitter for what was trending; at the time, one of them was "What Women Want". Most women love sparkly jewelry, so I got out my costume jewelry stash (I used to recycle it into new jewelry pieces many, many years ago). I gathered some extra shiny ones in this pretty dish.
Sparkly things

4. Paper. For this one, I took a photo of some of my latest watercolor practice pages. I used a Pixel Dust Photo Art texture called "life is good" over the top to give it a little more something.
Painting practice

5. Plastic. Another hard one...I couldn't figure out what to take a picture of for this prompt. Years back, I got fascinated with learning all about Polyshrink ("shrinky dink"). I spent a lot of time testing it, creating color samples, and experimenting with different effects and mediums. So, I gathered a bunch of my samples together and took this image.

Thank you for visiting! I look forward to seeing what others have come up with this week.


  1. Wow! The second shot is amazing! Great set.

  2. These are great - I absolutely love your 'duplicated' shot and would love to see a tutorial on how to do that. I used to love watching a craft show where it seemed every other day someone was doing Polyshrink - beads, tiles, etc. I'm not sure how I resisted the temptation to try it (budget I suspect).

  3. Nice shots - you are very creative! I love your watercolour:)

  4. these Are amazing! I LOVE YOUR paper flowers! just gorgeous!

  5. Great hunt! The flowers you go from your husband are gorgeous! We had the pink flower (cannot think of its name) at our wedding. So pretty!

  6. Oh wow! This set is fantastic! But I am particularly enthralled with your paper flowers :). So creative! Got me interested in what else you've got here on your blog, and after looking thru your past posts and seeeing your beautiful photography, I'm your newest follower :) Can't wait to see what else you bring us :).


  7. Your pictures are amazing! I especially love your duplicate shot. So cool!

  8. I love all of your photos! That paper flower is gorgeous! And so creative.

  9. Oooohhhh pretty! love them all :)

  10. Wow these are all so pretty! Love that paper flower!

  11. These are great! I love that duplicate flower, too.

  12. Love your set expecially the paper flower.

  13. That paper flower looks awesome!

  14. great photos you have here...such pretty flowers from your hubby...lilies and roses look great together.

  15. Ok..those paper flowers? LOVE them! I'm going to check out the tut now....thanks for the link.

  16. What a great set of pictures - your flowers are beautiful (both the real and paper one) and you water colour picture is just lovely, you are clever.

  17. So creative! Although, isn't that going to make looking up phone numbers a bit more difficult? :)

    And are those star-gazer lilies? I'm gradually learning more about flowers, out of necessity. I used to only know roses.

  18. Love the flower from the phone book and your costume jewelry stash is delightful.

  19. oooh beautiful set - I really like trending.

  20. That paper flower is AMAZING!!!!

  21. Really like all your entries. Not only is that paper flower beautiful, I really like how you chose to photograph it.

  22. I enjoyed your Scavenger Sunday entries. Loved that paper flower, so beautiful!

  23. oh, your interpretation of TRENDSETTING & DUPLICATE are my favorites. Looking at that adorable handmade flower, I thought, that flower center looks like an earring. Well, I believe I got my answer with your next picture. Your jewelry looks beautiful --- all shiny, sparkly, and brillant in that turquoise bowl. WOW!

  24. Fun Paper flower and thanks for the tutorial.

  25. Wonderful series. My favorite is your Love and Duplicate shots. There's alot of great colors, sparkle and details in your shots.
