Friday, May 2, 2014

Sweet Shadows

lily of the valley

Find beauty not only in the thing itself but in the pattern of the shadows, the light and dark which that thing provides. ~Junichiro Tanizaki

Nature mimics life in such striking ways, doesn't it? I didn't even notice the sweet, little shadows cast by my lily-of-the-valley image until after I uploaded it. Life is filled with both light and dark, sun and shadows, joy and strife. It simply is. And it's up to us to find a blessing in all of it somehow, to continue growing through both the good and the bad. This delicate flower reminded me of this...there are moments and lessons to find in every nook and cranny of nature.

Thank you for stopping by - have a wonderful weekend. I'm linking up today with Kim's Friday Finds. Please go visit!

Kim Klassen dot Com


  1. Your find is really beautiful, for me the Lilly-of-the-valley is my favorite May flower!

  2. In every nook and cranny . . .oh yes, nature teaches me more than I probably realize. I love lily of the valley, we used to grow it at my childhood home and I was so dazzled by them and their wonderful smell! xo

  3. Simply lovely! I'm waiting for my tiny white flowers!

  4. I would not have noticed that little shadow of the blossoms had I not read that quote. Thank you!

  5. That lily-of-the-valley is so delicate and so beautiful!

  6. Good morning, Sherri, I love Lily of the valley just such a sweet little flower. Always reminds me of weddings.

  7. Beautiful, Sherri, both the pure flowers and your thoughts ... it's true that both periods in shadows and in light are part of your journey - both creating contrast and painting our canvas of life in a unique way.

  8. A beautiful capture, Sherri.

  9. Met you just now at Poets United. I like your commentary here as much as I like the photo. I, too, have been meditating on the mix of light and shadow in my life. You might enjoy the poem High Noon which expresses this a little.
