Sunday, May 18, 2014

Upside Down

May at the lake

Hello there, blog world! How is everyone? Kathy's Song-ography prompt this week is absolutely perfect for me because I'm having Mac problems and can't upload any images right now from my camera. This has definitely turned my blog world upside down.

Yesterday while attempting to access iPhoto, I got a message about having to upgrade before I could go further...after hitting the upgrade button, ALL of my photos in my iPhoto library disappeared (thousands and thousands). I am completely challenged when it comes to the technical side of computers, so my husband is investigating the problem. Apparently the photos are still "out there" somewhere, but they're floating in space, kind of like Sandra Bullock in Gravity.

Meanwhile, thank goodness I can at least still post iPhone photos via Dropbox, so I'm sharing a photo of our gorgeous community lake. I swung by there a couple days ago while out running errands - the clouds were so pretty. I used one of my favorite apps, "Luminance"...this app has such gorgeous filters.

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope my photography life will be "right side up" very soon!


  1. Mac problems? Oh dear, that is unusual. Good luck.

  2. I've been down that road several times - in fact, after our hard drive crash there is a large portion of photos sitting on the hard drive - still there, but can't get to them, plus the ones backed up on disks now require some magic words and different maneuvers to retrieve. Sometimes I think Apple changes things up just to challenge those of us already pushing the boundaries of our techie limits.

  3. Yikes! that would definitely be a challenge - I hope your husband gets it sorted out real soon! I love this peaceful image this morning - could water be any calmer than this?

  4. Yes I could see how having computer problems like that could turn a person's world upside down. I hope you are able to get all your pictures back. This is such a lovely photo. I bet it's a very peaceful place to visit.

  5. I feel for you, having missing photos. That certainly can turn you upside down. I have some missing photos too and it's very suspicious and unsettling. I hope you can retrieve yours.

  6. Technical issues are horrible! Hope you get that all sorted soon!

  7. Oh I hope that all your pictures will come back from " outer space". I am completely lost when it omes to technical problems with my computer.

  8. I love that you shared "in spite of" your technical difficulties. Lovely spot to stop and cloud-gaze! Fingers crossed for all the tech stuff!

  9. Oh my goodness...I would totally "lose it" if I lost all my photos! ARGH!!! I so hope you are soon able to turn your upside down world...right side up again! Thanks for linking up to Song-ography.

  10. What??? I didn't think Macs had problems? Oh, I kept meaning to see "Gravity." Thanks for reminding me :) Hope you locate your Sandra Bullock very soon.

  11. I am sure you are not alone with this issue. Everyone who spends time on their computer has had it crash ... or if not, they will. I lost the entire year of 2008 ... groan. I will never get over it because I took some of my best raptor pictures that year and they are just gone. So I feel for you ... and fingers crossed that you find your floating pictures and your life turns rightside-up :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol
