Sunday, May 4, 2014

Morning Has Broken

morning light

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.

I'm not often up when "morning is breaking", but every time I am I think to myself that I need to do it more often! There's just something about the casts such a special light on everything.

Thanks for stopping by! I'm linking up today with Kathy's Song-ography.


  1. Almost nothing can refresh your faith in this crazy, insane world than to witness the miracle of sunrise. Gorgeous image.

  2. I am a early riser and I love the early morning for all the reasons you said, this is beautiful Sherri, love that big old tree.

  3. This gentle image seems to capture that breeze! Lovely. And wonderful new quote to "steal" ... hehe! Pulling out my journal now!

  4. Now that I don't work I love getting up early in the morning!!

  5. A onderful quote and a lovely picture with a great perspective.Love getting up in the early morning when all is still quiet apart from the birds and walking the dog...bliss!

  6. Wow! The depth of focus is amazing!!

  7. The light in this is so soft and gentle. Lovely shot


  8. I so love the early mornings.
    This shot is gorgeous.

  9. serious bokeh love going on here!! Such a pretty shot. Visiting from Kathy's.

  10. I'm not sure what I like best about this. The overall tonal quality of the shot? The beauty of the azalea in the foreground? The totally captivating shape of the tree in the background? I think it is the entire composition! Throw in that fabulous quote and VOILA! Thanks for joining in at Song-ography.

  11. I love that quote, I use that often for my sunrise shots. I can feel the warmth from that yummy golden light and those blossoms...sigh! I need to get back to my sunrise - I haven't been in a while :(

  12. So sweet and gentle feeling. I'm not up often at sunrise either but I do agree it has it's own beauty.

  13. Unfortunately (or fortunately, I suppose), I've had (gotten) to be up in time for sunrise for my job the past few years. There's something to be said for morning's beauty and quietness, even if all I really wanna do is go back to sleep for a couple more hours.
