Friday, November 15, 2013

Up Close and Personal

autumn leaves

Autumn colors and texture

Autumn colors and texture

Autumn colors and texture

Autumn colors and texture

Leaves take all kinds of strange shapes, as if to invite us to examine them. Star-shaped, heart-shaped, spear-shaped, arrow-shaped, fretted, fringed, cleft, furrowed, serrated, sinuated; in whorls, in tufts, in spires, in wreaths endlessly expressive, deceptive, fantastic, never the same from footstalk to blossom; they seem perpetually to tempt our watchfulness, and take delight in outstripping our wonder. ~ John Ruskin

I can never resist getting "up close and personal" with nature...I always find myself zooming in with my eyes to notice the striking details. Here are some gorgeous fall leaves I discovered. Leaves are so beautiful, even with their flaws, and no two are exactly alike. Kind of like people.

I'm linking up today with Kim Klassen's Friday Finds - click on the button below to visit and participate!

Kim Klassen dot Com


  1. Lovely pictures and post. Sometimes I look at all the leaves and see them at things I have to clean up. Thank you for reminding me to stop and look at the beauty in the leaves. Truly beautiful.

  2. love the fall colors with the green, beautiful sherry

  3. I need to get my back side out and take some photos of nature - although it is quickly brown here

  4. I love the wet leaves!

  5. Beautiful foliage photography, the first image is absolutely my favorite!

  6. Up close and favorite thing to do in nature...this week it's been all about spiders webs for me! haha Thankfully I didn't fall into any trying to get the shot and a couple of times I could see that I must have touched the web as the spider thought he got a catch, ha. Gorgeous shots Sherri!!

  7. Beautiful textures, colors and forms ... I'm also drawn to the details in the nature ...You're finding always something new! Wonderful finds, Sherri!

  8. Leaves even with flaws are so beautiful, just like people :)

  9. Oh, yes! All so different, like each of us, and all so beautiful in their own way. Thank you for this reminder, for this lesson from nature.

  10. Wonderful series of shots, love your boots and the yellow oak leaf most....

  11. Love the feet. I do that too sometimes, at first by mistake and later just for the fun of it.
    Leaves are a winter treat and it may take a while to say goodbye to summer, but then when you accept the canges, leaves are there to sustain us.

  12. Isn't nature brilliant and's imagination can not begin to capture the beauty that nature has created. I recently was at an enormous aquarium and saw fish I could not draw with my imagination that would even come close to what is really alive.....leaves are the same...almost like a fingerprint, unique and one of a kind. Beautiful photos...treasure those colors and the feel of the season. smiles: sharon
