Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Try A Little Tenderness

webbed ivy

Being tender and open is beautiful. As a woman, I feel continually shhh’ed. Too sensitive. Too mushy. Too wishy washy. Blah blah. Don’t let someone steal your tenderness. Don’t allow the coldness and fear of others to tarnish your perfectly vulnerable beating heart. Nothing is more powerful than allowing yourself to truly be affected by things. Whether it’s a song, a stranger, a mountain, a rain drop, a tea kettle, an article, a sentence, a footstep, feel it all – look around you. All of this is for you. Take it and have gratitude. Give it and feel love. ~Zooey Deschanel

I was struck by these silky spider webs stretched across our ivy, and how the sunlight made them glow...I instantly ran for my camera. Why is it I see these little things that so many around me don't notice? And why am I so affected by them? I don't have an answer...I only know that I'm grateful to notice these sacred moments and want to capture them on film. It's a gift I'm very happy for. I will never allow this life to steal my tenderness...how about you? Since many of you who read my blog are fellow photographers and/or artists, I have a feeling I'm amidst a very tender tribe with similar thoughts...this makes me smile.

I'm linking up today with Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday - I used her "Cora" texture at Multiply/25%, and it added just the right richness. Click below to visit her blog and/or participate in the weekly prompt.



  1. I'm one of those too...I notice and cherish small things that others might not even see. And for that I'm grateful.
    Your shot is lovely - the net sparkles and shines!

  2. OH my goodness..... thank you for sharing these words dear friend..... so perfect...... truly....
    and your image.... the web..the light! just beautiful......

    I'm with you!

    so much love... xo, Kim

  3. Ummm, so true, so true...and Sherri I wonder the same thing. Are people uninterested in beautiful things, do they not recognize it, too busy? Not sure. What I am sure about is that the more we share these moments and the more those who don't normally see them witness it through our eyes, the more I believe they will begin to take notice little by little.

    I am a very tender hearted soul like you, and I wouldn't change it at all.

  4. Beautiful Sherri I too look for the little things, the secret things.

  5. Spider webs are totally fascinating. I don't like the yuck factor when I walk through one in the dark though!

  6. I love the quote you posted! Lovely shot - those spiders sure were busy!

  7. It is the POET IN YOU Sherri! that is the reason that you see all these little gifts of beauty and diversity. It is a GIFT!

  8. Beautiful image! A credit to you and your openness to see beauty all around us!

  9. Beautiful words, Sherri! I am always scanning ditches, and fields to see what's out there and I often wonder how many other people do the same thing.

  10. Oh, my, you certainly struck the chord here, Sherri, with your wonderful way with words. Gifted, sensitive, introverted, whatever the label, it's a joy and sometimes a bit of a curse but ultimately a privilege and honor to be in the tender tribe. So special to know you, my friend. :)

  11. Beautiful image! The light is gorgeous. I love small scenes like this.
