Friday, August 16, 2013

Step Off The Path





Adults follow paths. Children explore. Adults are content to walk the same way, hundreds of times, or thousands; perhaps it never occurs to adults to step off the paths, to creep beneath rhododendrons, to find the spaces between fences.~Neil Gaiman

I'm feeling a little off my game this week...trying to find my footing again after getting our daughter moved into her new apartment. I find myself regrouping, re-determined to use my time wisely, and trying to re-focus on creative things. This is the perfect time for me to start new habits, create new patterns, try new things...sometimes it's hard to step off the beaten path when you've walked down the same path for so long. But I instinctively feel the sense that this is the time for me to step off that create new routines in my life. Exercise, meditation, art...these are all things I'm wanting to reach for. I hope I can follow through. I've also started cleaning out all of our closets and drawers, and tossing excess clutter...this is a good sign! I usually do this when I'm ready for a clean slate, a fresh start, a new beginning.

I still haven't used my "real camera" much, and we're at that point in August where it seems there's nothing to take photos of except for green trees. I feel very uninspired. But thankfully I have my iPhone and it keeps me on my toes creatively. Today I'm linking up to Kim Klassen's Friday Finds with some phone images I've taken this past week. I haven't been on any exciting outings but have gotten some good shots right here at home. Several of them feature my sweet Ruby, who has been a source of great comfort to me, as always. She's my loyal and devoted companion! *insert endless love here*

I want to take this time to thank all of you who left such kind and supportive comments on my recent post about my empty nest feelings...I can't tell you how much I appreciated seeing people's responses. It truly made me feel better and boosted my spirits in a huge way. Thank you again! And to think I almost didn't post anything about it because I was feeling so emotional...I'm really glad I did.


  1. Your images are always beautiful. I love the first one.

  2. even when we're walking in uncharted territories it's best to just walk one foot in front of the other. Soon we will be comfortable where we are. Soon we will realize that we are comfortable enough to make our way.

  3. Your post has made me think of my parents, I left home 45 years ago and I can still see my Dad standing out in front of our home, waving me goodbye until the car turned the corner, my Mom had gone in long before hand, we didn't really talk about the EN then and I myself haven't experienced it, though I've family and friends who have and I appreciate the place it slips you into...last year a girlfriend said 'it'll be okay, I've things to do' and she and her husband have done well, filling the spaces that are empty but not really...what a lovely post.

  4. the bokeh in the first photo is a nice addition.

  5. You can do anything you want to Sherri. I found after vacation it was easier to get rid of old routines since I had been out of routine for the past two weeks anyway. It is quite liberating to give up old things and try new ones. If there wasn't such a hole after they leave it would be so much easier :)

  6. Ahhh, yes. It's always so bittersweet when our sons and daughters move into their own places. But it's good for everyone. Best wishes as you adjust to this new chapter.

  7. It is a good time to start new habits as Summer is waning.... Love your little Ruby....

  8. Change is hard and taking those first steps our of our comfort zone can produce anxiety but with every step in a new directions, our focus becomes clearer and each step easier to take than the one before.. I love forward to hearing about your new adventures...

  9. Lovely photos, Sherri !
    Ruby is so cute !
    Wishing you the best on your new path ...

  10. Love the shots of your Ruby who has such gentle and kind eyes. Just be patient with yourself on your new path. It is such a "big change" when a daughter moves away. It is a definite change, but there will be so many new events in your relationship. Days when she will need you so much, lunches, trips, and so many things. It just takes a bit of time to be able to adjust to this change. My daughters are 38 and 41 ( WOW HOW DID THAT HAPPEN) and we have created so many memories together since the days that they left home. You will find that it becomes a real time of finding who you are, growing, and becoming. It just takes time and being easy on yourself. Hugs to you from the Lone star state
