Friday, August 30, 2013

Little Things

August morning

August morning

August morning

Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything. ~Aaron Siskind

I went outside with my camera this morning and captured a few little things in my yard...the first photo is blown out by the sun in the corner, but I thought it perfectly captured the feeling of the bright sunshine. I'm also loving the way our hydrangeas are looking right now - they're slowly turning as fall approaches. It's amazing how many different colors our hydrangeas go through from spring through fall. I'm linking up with Kim's Friday Finds - click on the button below to visit and see more finds. Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. very pretty. I agree with you about the hydrangeas. It's almost as if they soften with color...they fade.

  2. These are so how hydrangeas change color as the seasons move along. The sunlight is just gorgeous!

  3. Hydrangeas seem to have the secret of aging gracefully. They soften and fade without looking tattered or distressed. Even when dried and just an echo of their former colour they hold themselves with a soft grace and beauty.

    I love the colours you've captured in that last shot especially.

  4. Love the hydrangeas, especially when they change colors!

  5. Such awesome photo! love the light, love the bokeh, wish they would grow here.

  6. I love the blown out corner. Hydrangeas are so great to photograph.

  7. Your flowers are just beautiful, even as they fade at the end of the summer. Something lovely in each stage... just like life!
