Sunday, August 25, 2013

Nothing Happened

Occoquan, VA

A “beautiful day”
Nothing happened
And nothing was going to happen
The wind shook leaves
That did not fall
The moored boat did not sail
& the rain fell
On casual grass
Everything was full
Including the empty glass.
~Maureen N. McLane

I love these words by Maureen McLane...some of my most beautiful days are definitely those where nothing happens. The older I get, the more I understand it's truly the simple things that make me happy. I'm linking up today with Kathy's Song-ography and her prompt for this week is "The Summer Wind". I took this photo in Occoquan, VA on a beautiful day when nothing happened but me and my camera, walking through a quaint town, taking notice of little nothings. When looked at through a camera lens, boring nothings can become pretty somethings. I like how that works.

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Gorgeous shot I love how the sun is shinning through.

  2. Simply Delightful. I love those "nothing" moments like this that as you said can be turned into pretty something's through your camera lens.

  3. Love how you captured the sun at the end of a shaded pathway, under the canopy of the tree foliage. The tones in the photo are gorgeous. Thanks for joining in on Song-ography this week :)

  4. Those Words say so much - I love these days as well! A beautiful Picture ... Inviting one to walk along the bridge ... a dreamy and peaceful atmosphere!

  5. and that is the magic of having a camera - boring nothings have all the potential of becoming beautiful somethings. You have gorgeous light in this shot - and such interesting depth.

  6. lovely, lovely, I can feel the peacefulness.

  7. This is AMAZING. First of all - adore the photo. And that quote! Going in the hand written journal!! It's one of those I wish I'd written....and me too, on the getting older and deeply appreciating the quiet...the small things!

  8. Beautiful capture of summer light


  9. Simple things that make me are so right! Just looking at the sun or sitting at a beach! The best things in life are for free. Will look up Maureen McLane now - thanks!

  10. i agree...i always say that a good day is a day when nothing happens. Looks like you had a great day with you and your camera!

  11. Wonderful poem. Thanks for sharing that. Kind of reminds me of my Labor Day. I did nothing much at all. And it was wonderful.
