Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Have a Heart, February

have a heart

have a heart

have a heart

"February, month of despair, with a skewered heart in the centre." ~Margaret Atwood

Don't worry, I'm not in despair...but I do think February is that one month of the winter when it seems it'll never end...the holidays are a distant memory, the landscape is bleak, the days are freezing cold, and spring is still far enough away that it seems it'll never get here. I feel a bit sorry for February - I think it's probably the least appreciated month of the year. It doesn't even get the standard 30-day minimum that all the other months are allotted! Poor February doesn't get a lot of love, so it's ironic that the "love holiday" falls in this month.

I stuck a tissue paper heart to my window with a piece of Scotch tape as an iPhone photo op idea - it gave me several nice images. I left the heart up there to make me smile when I see's a cheerful reminder that spring will one day arrive. Be gone, February!

Camera app notes: For the bokeh in the first photo, I used Picfx. For the text, I used Over. For the white border in the second photo, I used PixlrExpress PLUS (Pattern Borders section).


  1. Oh my...lovin' that first shot. It's magical :)

  2. That first shot especially is great. Love that bokeh! Are you saying that the bokeh is from processing... have to get that app if it is
    I too am ready for spring, although I have to say that in Texas, it is beginning to feel as if it is coming sooner rather than later. I'm ready!

    1. Jeanne, yes, the bokeh was added with the processing...there wasn't any natural bokeh in the image. It's amazing what you can do with camera apps... :)

  3. Beautiful photographs Sherri :) I've been wanting to set up a photo-shoot with hearts myself but I haven't found the time yet. I love the first shot with the beautiful bokeh, it cheered me up right away!
    Hope you have a wonderful day.

  4. Oooohhh, really love the header! Beautifully done :)

  5. The pop of red is so nice too. Great idea!

  6. happy to have found you! I'm on a huge learning curve with Lightroom right now; and want to learn how to combine my images with text, and a million other photo editing techniques. Thank you for your heartfelt post!

  7. Oh so beautiful, I think I may just have to tape a heart to my window too...and I'll think of you every time I see it! :)

  8. Great idea, Sherri, and love the resulting shots...also love that you used a M. Atwood quote. She's like no other...

  9. I love the heart in the window, Sherri.
    A simple, yet beautiful idea.

    Happy Sunday to you!

  10. Is it not so true about February? The shortest month but it seems the longest. I love the paper heart, a perfect counterpoint to the bleakness outdoors. Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day, Sherri!


  11. Love this!! Such a happy wonderful reminder that this month it all about love!! I think I may try it myself - yes!!

  12. Stunning combination you certainly have an eye for a great shot and finished article.
