Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dreaming of Spring


I'm dreaming of spring...for this week's Photo Art Friday, I used one of my Instagram photos I took during our last snow. I added in a snowflake shape (three times) and then used the watercolor effect in PSE (at 20%) to unify the image and bring everything together. I layered a blue ombre texture over the image twice, once at Overlay/100% and once at Hue/100%. I then finished it up in Radlab to brighten and/or sharpen areas.

I'm feeling encouraged by the lengthening days...there's still some lingering light left at 6pm here in Virginia. And our daffodils are bursting through the ground, too - I hope they'll be OK. Happy Valentine's Day to you!


With footsteps
Quiet as snow
I look down
At winter's white lace
A cloying coverlet
Laying its silence
Like a frigid shroud
Over spring's flowers
Smothering pale roots
In place

I search inside
For some memories
Dipping my cupped hands
Into glimpses of sunny days
And my soul flies
With dreamy eyes
Along soft trails
Of white-cupped daisies
Smoldering in the heat
Of August's rays

If only for a moment
Winter's chill
Falls from my heart
Like bitter glass
Pointy snowflakes
Blue from the moon
Melting tenderly
Spilling away and
Shimmering against
Sunlight on my face.

© Sherri Brannon

Original photo:

Photo Art Friday


  1. Lovely transformation on the photo. I am dreaming of Spring too. Running out of places to go for Walk and Click Wednesday in the snow :)

  2. You and me BOTH sista! :). Sooooo ready for spring. BUT, you create such lovely images regardless of the time of year so, what's the rush? :)

  3. I like the original photo being included, nice idea. Finished piece is fantastic.

  4. I'm anxious for spring too although up here it's still a long time away. Your photo underwent a big change with the processing. The cold wintry dreamy effect is lovely.

  5. lovely process Sherri we have had a day of sun here so lovely....

  6. "pointy snowflakes blue from the moon" what eloquent words...and blends beautifully with the blue hues of your image.
    Beautifully done. I hope that you are putting your poetry and photography into books for future generations and the NOW.
    smiles: sharon

  7. utterly wonderlicious, Sherri!!

    your photo and processing are exquisite and both capture the snowy coldness of winter wanting to BE embraced by spring's warming light.

    your poem is, well, it is what your poems are. BEautifully rendered words of deep feeling.

    we are enJOYing the rainy coolness this February morning in Florida. Gracie only got me to go round the block, saving diving for coconuts in the Intracoastal for a drier day.

    makes me feel just a little bit more wintery enJOYing my mug of chai and meandering through Photo Art Friday.

  8. Fantastic photo and poem! Found you through the Photo Art Fridays blog hop. Wonderful post!

  9. It is so hard to catch the sunbeams in your hand :D - I think your work of your photo and the photo are such amazing job!! .. Thanks for sharing, Sherri :D

  10. Another beautiful poem!! Such a very creative edit on this photo Sherri, and love the addition of the snowflakes!!

  11. Very nice piece. The blue tones are perfect and I love the way you added the snow flakes. Your poetry is lovely. I think many of us are ready for the arrival of spring.

  12. Love your wintry image and the beautiful poem longing for spring. Me too!

  13. We did it. I found your name at the end of a 100 or so websites...but it is there. That would be the RSS feeder. I also resubmitted to your "email" I realize I did do it incorrectly. So it all went through as it should and your next post should end up in my google emails. YAY...smiles: sharon

    1. I'm very happy to hear that...thank you so much for helping me with this, Sharon! :)

  14. You know I love your words, Sherri. They seem to get more beautiful all the time. They portray such a lovely soul, tender heart, and deeply layered person. (I mean that as a compliment, if you can't tell.)
