Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Flowers are Optimists

delicate flower

Flowers don't worry about how they're going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful. ~Jim Carrey

Hello, blog friends! I'm back from my Florida vacation and we had a wonderful time. It was hard to leave! I took many photos with both my "real" camera and my iPhone, and I look forward to sharing some in the next couple of weeks. We spent time with family and also made a couple of day trips, to Disney and to a farm that had corgi puppies...cuteness overload! My heart about burst open with joy. Nope, we didn't come home with a corgi puppy, for those who were wondering. But, I got some precious photos that I'll share soon!

Most of all, we spent some relaxing hours at our future retirement home and have all sorts of ideas about what we'll do with our house and garden once we're there full time. It's exciting to think about!

Today I'm linking up with Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday, and this week's prompt is "nature". Florida has such pretty flowers and I kept seeing this dainty purple one everywhere. I don't know what it is, but I intend to find out and plant it in my future Florida yard.

Where would we be without flowers? They're nature's cheery optimists, bright with happiness while they're alive and always looking at the sunny side of things. For the above image, I used Kim's "Touch of 2" texture for the background at Soft Light/20%. I also put it through Radlab, and messed with Levels in PSE to give it a little bit of a matte appearance.

Another bit of news is that while I was away on vacation, I was the featured weekly poet over at Poets United (click HERE to visit).

I was very flattered to be asked and enjoyed being interviewed about my poems, photography, art, and writing process. If you want to try your hand at poetry but are hesitant, Poets United is a wonderful place to participate! I've gotten nothing but kind comments from the great group of people who write poetry over there (no critiques, only support and encouragement). Please check it out and join in if it's your thing. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by - have a wonderful week.



  1. Glorious image and dof! Many congratulations on the feature at Poets United!

  2. Beautiful capture of Nature, wonderful focus!

  3. Yes, I guess they need to be optimists! We can learn from them.

  4. Lovely. I so agree with you. Can't wait to see more photos.

  5. Wonderful, how exciting to be planing the next phase of your life and congratulations on being featured...

  6. Congratulations on being a featured poet. Not only does this bring encouragement to you, but you are an encouragement to us! Lovely photos - can't wait to see more. And retirement is such an exciting phase of life - we just retired, too, and the world is full of possibility!

  7. I agree it is an exciting time for you, enjoy the process, and wonderful to see how all of this folds out for you in your photography. Love this purple

  8. Lovely photo Sherri. I look forward to seeing photos of the puppies. Sound exciting about planning for your future retirement home.

  9. Flowers add much joy to my days and this beauty you shared here did as well.
    Sounds like Florida is to your liking, wonderful!

    Congrats on the interview Sherri

  10. Know you must be having fun dreaming of your retirement home, and what a wonderful place to plan to retire to. know you can hardly wait. No more winter blues. So fun that you are sharing your poetry more as you are so talented.
