Wednesday, June 4, 2014

App Happy Wednesday: iColorama

sunset at the pool

Today is App Happy Wednesday over at Barb's blog Keeping With the Times - one of my favorite weekly prompts. I'm sharing a photo I took last week while in Florida. I used the iColorama app, which is one of my favorites. I'm embarrassed to say that I've barely begun to understand the incredible capabilities of this app, but I still use it regularly with my very limited knowledge of what it's capable of. If you like making your apps more artistic and/or abstract, this is the app for you. It has tons of brushes and masks and this is the area I haven't forged into yet. For this image, I used one of the Painterly options under the Style section: Van Gogh. There are actually several Van Gogh options and I'm not sure which one I picked, but I did reduce the opacity of it quite a bit to make the effect more subtle. I also put the image in PicTapGo to make it pop a little more.

My daughter and I spent several mornings at this pool while we were down south - the Florida sun felt so good. Don't worry, we were slathered in sunscreen. :)

Keeping With The Times


  1. So gorgeous! I will have to check out that app- it sounds like it is right up my alley!

  2. Oh, gosh! This is lovely! And the app sounds like so much fun. I've written it down so I can check it out. Well done, Sherri!

  3. Lovely image it conjours up warmth and the smell of summer sun..

  4. A wonderful shot that with your app looks amazing.

  5. This is absolutely gorgeous - I love what it did to the clouds! I've been hearing about iColorama and it looks like I need to get it! Thanks so much for linking up today, Sherri!

  6. Lovely edit, lots of drama, love it !

  7. What a cool smoky effect! I love the beach. That's my favorite vacation.

  8. Fun image and I hope you had a great time.

  9. Love your use of this app! also what fun you must have had in florida! A great time to go before it gets too hot and humid. I have this app too and need to work with it more to see what it can do

  10. Sweet edit. You're right, the possibilities are limitless with iColorama.
