Friday, September 27, 2013

The Grace of a Dog


Un-winged and naked, sorrow surrenders its crown to a throne called grace. ~Aberjhani

On this Friday, I find that coming downstairs in the mornings and not seeing Ruby waiting for me is heart crushing. I find that every time I eat a meal, I'm still setting two tiny bites aside on my plate in honor of Ruby (I realized later that my daughter is doing the same). I find that a very simple routine, fixing a salad, is almost unbearable because it was Ruby's favorite thing and she would sit at my feet waiting for her crouton. I find going to the bank very hard because it's directly next door to the vet where we said goodbye. I find that grief makes your heart ache just as intensely whether it's a human being or a precious dog.

But do you know what else? I find that, despite the tears and pain of not having my Ruby here, I also feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. It's with me every moment of the day and it brings me such comfort. I feel so incredibly blessed and grateful that we got to have this beautiful angel in our lives. She was the best gift our family has ever been given. Between the tears of grief, we feel that gratefulness just as strongly. And our days are also filled with endless memories that make us smile and laugh...she gave us so many moments we will treasure forever.

We will get through this...but these first days are hard. We leave her water bowl out, we place her toys and pictures beside our computers and night stands, we leave the Ruby dust bunnies in the corners, and we take it one day at a time. I will try my best to handle my grief with as much grace as my sweet Ruby handled the last days of her life.

I promise there won't be endlessly sad blog posts in the coming weeks...these words today just felt right.

Kim Klassen dot Com


  1. A beautiful tribute Sherri I can see how much you all loved her, she had a wonderful life and wonderful humans . Hope you have a peaceful weekend

  2. What a beautiful post for your dearly loved "companion". My thoughts are with you.

    Visiting from Kim's Friday finds.

  3. I'm so sorry. They become a part of us and at times it's just unbearable how our hearts hurt.

  4. Tears....I can feel your grief, I've lost several dogs tragically....but I feel this with you even more because I just can't imagine my sweet baby not being here with us, yet it is inevitable. Grief is hard no matter what it is that we love...hugs to you Sherri...and what a beautiful photo of Ruby!! xo

  5. Oh and I forgot to say, you share whatever it is that you need to share!

  6. I'm sorry for your loss. Ruby must have been a very special buddy for you and your daughter.

  7. A beautiful tribute to your devoted friend. Hugs!

  8. What a beautiful photo and post - I'm so sorry for your loss!

  9. I know the grief you are feeling but also know how much you cherish the memories of your beautiful Ruby.
    May her memory always be a blessing.

  10. I totally get the two bits of food. Our dog Riley loves cheese, every time I go in the fridge. he is hoping for a little piece of cheese. Maybe I will give him two today, one for him and one in memory of your dear Ruby.

  11. This post Sherri totally breaks my heart for you, and I can imagine the big empty spaces that you have in your home and life right now, as I have my 3 little dogs and know how much I love them! Thinking about you. On a different note, I found a blog that you might be interested in with your wonderful writing of poetry. This looked like a place that you might enjoy.
    Thinking about you with the loss of your dear friend and I am so sorry!

  12. I completely understand and it's okay to share your grief here! Perhaps you could make a photo book of Ruby which included some of your happy memories of her. Sometimes creating something which honors our loss helps to lessen the grief. My thoughts are with you.

  13. Sherri, I have been thinking all this time what to say about Ruby's passing. I kept looking for the words, for the right "quote" that might ease your pain... I know, however, there are no words really that will make the pain less painful and I don't think any words will ease that tightness in your gut. The only thing one can do is be present and although I cannot hold your hand in person, I can hold your hand in my heart.

  14. Sherri, I too lost a beloved dog just recently. I feel for you. I too experience the searing grief, but also the overwhelming sense of gratitude you describe. You put it so well.We have endless memories (and images thank goodness) of Angus and his antics that make us smile through the tears.
