Friday, September 20, 2013

Don't Forget to Breathe

geese at the lake

I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
~Wendell Berry

I stopped at the lake this past week while out running was an incredibly beautiful day. It was nice to take a break for a few minutes and simply breathe as I stared at the water. It was so calm and quiet...just what I needed. I was happy to stumble upon these geese sitting on the dock. Later on when I was editing the photo on my iPhone, I played with a few of my favorite apps to give it a painterly feel. The painterly apps are my very favorites on my phone! I can achieve effects that I could never get with PSE. My two favorites are Glaze and iColorama. I combined the two, using Blender, to get the results here. I also used a Luminance filter. I love the colorful, dreamy results!

I'm linking up with Kim's Friday Finds - click on the button below to visit! I wish everyone a great weekend.

Kim Klassen dot Com


  1. I'll have to try these apps out. Helpful apps for oil painting. Love the effect!

  2. Beautiful, Sherri! The softness and the colors ... and the geese! I haverecently gotten Icolorama, and I look forward of learning to use it! Enjoy your weekend,

  3. I like this a lot!!

    Looks like watercolor...


  4. Oh, this is image is so beautiful!
    The colors seem to glow - it's like an impressionist's painting.

  5. I love what you did here Sherri! Thanks fully, for once, I already have the two apps that you used. Have a wonderful weekend

  6. What a beautiful image! I also love the painterly effects one can apply to photography.

  7. Looks beautiful!
    Love what you did with the photo.

  8. sometimes we have to be reminded of that, don't we?

  9. Definitely looks like a painting. I'd like to see the original photo, too, though :)
