Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Winter Into Spring

Winter into spring

Winter into spring

Winter into spring

Winter into spring

Winter into spring

Winter into spring

Finally! It's feeling like spring...and even looking like spring if I look around beyond my shady, non-flowering yard. I was so happy to capture some shots of spring flowers in my community while running errands yesterday. I kept pulling over at odd places to take photos of any little flower I could find. I love that in most of the photos, the backdrop to the colorful flowers is still the winter landscape hanging on so stubbornly. It won't be long! Winter into spring...my most favorite time of year. Thank you for stopping by, and I'm also sharing a poem I wrote about this change of seasons...I wrote it several years back, but it's always been one of my favorites. Have a lovely Tuesday!

I'm linking up with Kim's Texture Tuesday - my first photo above was enhanced using Kim's "Sybil" texture which I can't stop using because it's simply perfect. I used it at Multiply/30%. I also put the image through Radlab to tweek it a bit.


Winter wanders gamely,
A drifter passing through, and
Tips his hat to snowcapped oaks
Festooned with icy swags
And filigrees.

He tosses frosty winds
Down slanted, porcelain hills,
Tingeing creeks to glinty silver
And jostling sleepy blue gills
From their dreams.

Spring, she stirs and wakens,
Bright and rosy cheeked,
While musty earth roots rustle
And fawns, with dappled down,
Sprout tenderlings.

Strawberries lie ripe in wait
For fledgling feathered wings, and
April warms them like a breath
While winter, ever wandering,
Takes his leave.

Tender budded larkspurs
Reach for hungry honey bees,
And cherry blossoms flush soft pink
When morning showers sing
Their harmonies.

© Sherri Brannon



  1. Gorgeous photos, Sherri, and I adore your poetry! You are so very talented. I always find myself pulling off the road to snap photos of flowers and other things that catch my eye. I have a feeling that if you and I tried to drive somewhere together we might never reach our destination, LOL! ;) Have a lovely Tuesday!!

  2. Yes you did find winter changing to spring . . . love the crocus shot and pov. And as always, your poem is so beautiful!

  3. Beautiful. You have more Spring happening than we do :)

  4. Your poem is wonderful and I love your shots of spring in the coming...I too like to pull over and take pictures...Sometimes it's hard to remember where I had headed....

  5. Beautiful photos. I so wish it felt like spring here, it's so cold! x

  6. Yes ... winter into spring! Am so ready ... and your lovely early spring blossoms just whet that appetite.

  7. Beautiful poetry Sherri and I'm glad you are seeing some signs of Spring. The sun is shining here but it's still cold brrrrr....

  8. Simply lovely. I have no flowering trees around me so it was nice to share yours. I'm so ready for Spring and some warmer weather.

  9. Beautiful photos of Spring, Sherri. We're a little behind over here, I cannot wait!
    Your poem is lovely :)

  10. It looks like the beginning of a beautiful spring, Sherri!
    These photographs are wonderful.

  11. I have a non-flowering yard too -- and so seeing your spring is delightful -- oh your images shots done very well - isn't wonderful that nature keeps doing it's best to please us....

  12. Beautiful photography. Thank you for a look ahead to my Spring.


  13. Oh, these are gorgeous!! We still have snow on the ground here and high temps around freezing. Hoping that spring will make its north soon!
