Friday, August 3, 2012

Five Fact Friday


Kim and Xanthe are hosting "Five Fact Friday" over at their Reflection of You blog today. I thought I'd join in - here are my five things:

1. Not only am I an introvert, but I'm also an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person). There are many of us out there...are you one of them? Psychology Today actually published an in-depth article about HSPs for the first time last year. Being an HSP is a blessing when it comes to creativity...but it can be challenging in day-to-day life.

2. Depending on the activity, I'm either right-handed or left-handed. I write with my right hand, but tend to do most other things with my left...except when batting in baseball, or golfing, or throwing a frisbee (back to the right hand). When I paint, I switch my paintbrush back and forth from my left hand to my right, sometimes without even realizing it - very strange!

3. I love clouds. I take more photos of clouds than any other thing. My family shakes their heads each time because they just don't understand my obsession with the beauty of clouds. lol

4. I am an Army brat...I lived in many places growing up, including England, Turkey, Panama, and Germany. I went to three separate high schools between 9th and 12th grade.

5. The older I get, the more I listen to my inner voice. My painting above symbolizes that inner intuition...that wise presence who is always there if I just listen.

Thanks for stopping by - by the way, I'd love to hear 5 fun facts about you. :)


  1. So interesting about using both hands! My mother is so worried about getting alzheimer's that she does everything possible to avoid getting it. She read somewhere that using both hands helps keep your brain active, so now she (right-handed) eats with her left hand. Your brain must be the most active around : )

  2. oh Sherri
    the painting is so beautiful.... and i didn't know about HSP... i must explore..... such a beautiful list..... oh my... love it... and that painting... 'sigh'

    xo, Kim

  3. I LOVE the painting. I wonder if we were in England at the same time? I was there from 12/66 - 12/69. My Dad was Air Force. I'm off to research HSP...

  4. Hi Sherri. I love your painting and I am not at all surprise to hear you are an introvert and an HSP. These traits come through in all you share here and everyone who visits is better by way of that. Thank you for having the courage to put yourself out here. I know it's not always easy but it is very much appreciated.

    Wishing you a creative and happy weekend! xo

  5. Oh my, that painting is truly amazing. I just adore it. I really enjoyed reading your five facts, too. I just read the HSP article and found it profoundly interesting. Thank you for sharing all of this.

  6. That painting is gorgeous. I love getting to know people through random facts.

  7. I love clouds too... and your painting is gorgeous! xxx

  8. What an amazing talent you have for painting! I always wanted to move, but I don't think I would want to move that much.

  9. what a very Van Gogh-y painting! It's very peaceful. And I LOVE clouds.

  10. I'm an HSP too. I have all of Elaine Aron's books. In fact, I should probably re-read HSP in Love. I wish she had one about being a parent as an HSP because I get so overwhelmed at playgroup and restaurants and parks and...

    I love capturing cloud images too. I must have taken 100 on my last flight. I think maybe I'll make a coffee table book of clouds. You?

    And yes to listening to our inner voices and intuition. I am on the same path.
    Love to you!

  11. Wow, what a talent you have for painting! I can do just a few things with my left hand but both of my sons are left handed. They say the only person in their right mind is the left-handed person. LOL

  12. I'm a fairly sensitive person, definitely very tender-hearted and I love finding out little snippets of you! Your painting is so wonderful.

  13. That was a fun info read! Golf right handed huh? That's good. Lefty golfer bug my eyes. Phil Michelson is a lefty and he always looks awkward to me. We musn't look awkward huh?

    Thanks for your comment about my artistic bracelet collections, hahaha!

    Have a nice and relaxing weekend!


  14. Sherri - Totally love your painting. Totally get the HSP and introvert pieces. I might not be identical...but I sure do march to the beat of a different drum! The older I get, the more at peace I am...and embrace the value of being truly authentic. Be're lovely!

    Denise in Akron, Ohio from BTS

  15. Lovely work and I enjoyed reading about you - what a rich background you have living in all those different countries.

  16. Sherri beautiful post and your art wonderful....I get the HSP and introvert I sometimes find it hard to articulate....

  17. I love your painting. I am experimenting with an art journal at the moment...I am so not artistic but I am giving it a shot because as you said here...I am listening more to my inner voice these days and paying attention ;)

  18. What beautiful facts! I love them! Thanks for sharing them!

  19. Lovely painting, really a delight!
    I've never heard of HSP, interesting. Using both hands is quite common, tho'. Many people just don't realize it. :)
    Happy August to you.

  20. Sherri, I read about Highly Sensitive Person too. I am one of them as well ;) They say HSP are the ones who are so taken and touched by beautiful music they will cry... I finally understood why Beethoven just made me tear up.

  21. Enjoyed your sharing those 5 facts about you. Your drawing is great!

  22. You definitely need to listen to your inner voice.

  23. Oh crap! I didn't read this HSP stuff before I left that "distant neighbors" comment above :) Just, uh, you know what, that wasn't even me. Someone must've hacked my account. *looking around*

    I write with my left hand and do everything else with my right!

    I'm off to read the Psychology Today link now, because I'm definitely an introvert, and can be a little sensitive at times. Why, did you not like my last post? Not think it was funny?

  24. From one introvert to another... I love this painting! I wish I could paint... tried it, but what comes out doesn't resemble to what's in my head. Or maybe it's what comes out, what is actually in my head....
    Have a good day! (love your blog!)
    Marleen (from BL and Reflection of You)

  25. No matter which hand or hands you used, your painting is beautiful!!
