Wednesday, July 9, 2014



It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. ~Henri Cartier-Bresson

I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend - mine was wonderful. I can't believe it's already Wednesday - time for some more app talk, which has become my main means of creativity lately.

I've finally admitted something to apps have officially replaced Photoshop as my favorite way of editing images. Who knew? Being able to make incredible alterations to an image using my iPhone (or iPad, which I use for editing) is truly amazing to me. There is an app for every type of edit or effect you could think of. I have learned about so many of them simply by playing and practicing. The more you practice, the more knowledgeable you get about what your favorite apps can do. And then, of course, there are some wonderful online courses now available that teach you everything you need to know (click HERE to read my last post about that).

I love the above image I edited this past week. I took the flower photo at the Grand Floridian resort in Disney World back in May. The photo on its own wasn't that special, but by using various apps I really liked what it became. I used the following apps to get my results: aremaC, Glaze, iColorama, Imageblender, and Stackables. To get the "line edges" you see in my finished image, I put the image into iColorama and used the Edges (#2 option/Normal) under the Style section. I saved a copy of it, and then Blended it with the Glaze version of my image in ImageBlender.

I'm linking up with App Happy Wednesday - please join in! I'm "sherribrannon" on Instagram.

Keeping With The Times


  1. The line edges is a very nice, delicate touch Sherri! I'm still learning all this, so your post is very helpful today, and I'll check on the last one with link! Love the colorful image!!

  2. I love your photo Sherri, thank you for the info too :)

  3. This is quite awesome Sherri! I love those line edges. I can see this is a really fun creative outlet. You have become an artist! and a poet

  4. I love taking an ordinary photo and making it extraordinary. The wonderful thing about all those apps.

  5. I have more fun with my phone and apps than anything else these day too, Sherri. I love this bouquet - a real piece of art. I love that you added the lines - it adds so much definition. Thanks for playing along at "app" happy wednesday!

  6. I crossed that line too. I rarely use photoshop. Mostly Lightroomut it seems to have taken a back seat also. I love the 'art' aspect of what you can do with mobile. And in less time.

  7. This is so beautiful, Sherri! I've said it before and it bears repeating – you are my App hero! Hoping to have some time to play around with them this summer.

  8. this is beautiful. I am going to look into icolorama. I already have image blender but have not used it like this before.
