Sunday, October 27, 2013

Two Hands

Sperryville, VA


A maple tree grows tired
from too many thoughts
and nowhere to put
them...its red leaves
release and flame,
kindling the air,
clotting the stream.
I watch in wonder at
its silent burn, and
I steal the sky's breath
in a rush of blue,
unable to help myself.
A fleecy cloud floats,
then topples, into
a gilded mountain, and
a wren swells its throat,
searching for a parting song.
My heart forms two hands
and prays.

© Sherri Brannon 2013

Never do I feel closer to God than when I'm out in nature. There's a sacredness to it that I can't fills me with peace and comfort. I tried to express those emotions with the above poem I wrote this past week, which I'm sharing with the weekly Poetry Pantry (click HERE to visit). I'm also linking up with Kathy's weekly Song-ography prompt (click HERE), and her theme this week is "Forever Young". Being out in nature with my camera is so good for my spirit - it definitely keeps me young! And makes my heart oh, so happy.

Thank you for stopping by! The photo is one I took near Sperryville, VA.

I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. ~Frank Lloyd Wright


  1. what a cool last couple lines....the heart becoming hands that pray...i am speaking today on prayer...and more specifically praying for those that are our enemies...nature is def where i feel closest to god...that and among people, as i continue to try to see them as he does.

  2. The ending lines are perfect ~ Nature too reminds me of our Creator ~ How beautiful He makes of our days ~

  3. Beautiful expression of enjoyment of nature & connection with the holy, Sherri. I feel the same as you do really, and I think when I am outside with my camera in autumn I notice things I might not notice if I did not have my camera along. Many beautiful lines, including "I steal the sky's breath in a rush of blue."

  4. Beautiful, Sherrie. This is my kind of prayer.

  5. sooooo beautiful!! autumn at it's finest!!

  6. heart forms two hands and prays. I'll remember that! Just beautiful! I've come to understand/feel/be influenced by nature in this way later in life. But, oh my, does it make a difference to my spirit. There is such a sense of refreshment and renewal that comes from my time outside! Thanks for this ~ beautiful.

  7. Nature is god's best creation and echoes god's blessings.

  8. I really like the image of stealing the sky's breath--it leaves me breathless! ;)

    Still Life

  9. I love your poem, and I'm not so much a poem person. It speaks in ways I understand. My maples have gone and the oaks hang on-in their heavy brown.
    Lovely image to match your words.

  10. Just beautiful Sherri, and all the beauty in nature is definitely such a gift to us from our Maker. Love your poem

  11. lovely, just lovely - the personification of the maple (tired from too many thoughts), the poet stealing the sky's breath, the "wren [swelling] its throat,
    searching for a parting song"

    gorgeous photo too

  12. What a SPECTACULAR photo, and setting. I love your poem very much, especially your heart forming two hands to pray. How beautiful. Sigh. Nature is my cathedral nice to see you in the Pantry!!!!!

  13. I just LOVED your poem and what a gorgeous photo and scene by way of inspiration. :>)

  14. I think whenever I feel "joy" I also feel "young". Joy seems to be a magical age-defying elixer. And what better place than to feel joy, than breathing in God's beautiful colors and scenery. It keeps one forever young for sure. Great thoughts, fantastic photograph. Thank you for linking up to Song-ography.

  15. Just gorgeous --especially your ending! Loved this!

  16. What a glorious nature poem... I love nature too, and this imagery makes me long to be out in that real nature.. glorious picture too.

  17. Beautiful! - Love, Love, Love anything autumn and your shot is just perfect.
    Your poetry is so lovely. I think it captured the spiritual feeling of nature quite well.

  18. Oh Sherry your poem and photo are exquisite. It is the same for me... I often feel safest, certainly more alive and deeply connected to God when out in nature.

  19. Beautiful poem and photo. "A maple tree grows tired." Lovely. And the yellow tones in the photo are magnificent.

  20. Nature is humbling as can feel the hands of creation. Lovely image in the last two lines.

  21. A tremendously beautiful scene and lovely poem.

  22. Wonderful poem and I completely agree I feel closest to God when I am out in his creation.

  23. The imagery in this poem was absolutely breathtaking. I adored every single line of this poem.
