Sunday, October 13, 2013

Abandoned Doors

Abandoned door

Close some doors. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere. ~Paulo Coehlo

Isn't it funny how, as humans, we leave some doors open in our lives that really should have been closed a long time ago? They're no longer of any good use to us, but still we keep them open, even as their foundation begins to break down and fall apart. Why do we do that? It's funny (or not) how that works.

Today I'm linking up with Kathy's weekly Song-ography prompt, which is "look out any window". Technically, this photo I took is of a door and I'm not talking about windows at all...oops. But the second line in the song involves a doorway...and it is a portal of some sort, right? It's all I've got this week.

I took this image in Sperryville, VA. We stumbled upon this abandoned building when driving down a random country road. Oh, the stories this place could tell! I'm so fascinated with abandoned buildings - they're filled with such history, but it's all a mystery. And these abandoned places can be kind of creepy, too, if you start letting your imagination run away with you...just I'm always glad to have my big, strong husband with me when we're checking them out!

Thank you for stopping by - if you want to visit Kathy's blog and participate, click HERE.


  1. I love it!! And your comments about closing some doors is right on.
    This is why I love this meme, it challenges everyone and we get amazing perspectives on one song.

  2. Wow. I was siting here thinking, as I read through these song-ography posts, what a blessing this blog community is. I've already been moved to laughter and tears this morning. And feel so connected to people through my time with my blogs. Occasionally I ask myself if the connection is "real" ... how can I really feel all I do for folks I haven't "met" ... but then there are mornings like this, and I know this connection matters. First of all I love your images, and understand your fascination with old, abandoned structures. My dad is an architect...and buildings have always fascinated me. But, oh my...when I read that quote I had (for give me for this...) and Oprah "aha" moment. And knew I was meant to be right here with you this morning. I've closed some pretty major doors in my life...and I often feel like it means that what I left behind them was meaningless. But it's not that. What was there wasn't meaningless in its time. It was just no longer leading me anywhere. So important for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    1. I am soooo with you Adrienne! I have really been moved myself this morning. It's been an amazing Sunday morning for me too.

  3. What a brilliant quote and excellent photo. Such insight. Thanks!

  4. this is such a great image and i really love the quote!!

    happy sunday!!

  5. A brilliant response and love your opening thoughts. I think women are especially guilty of hanging on an on hoping the repair truck will come and patch up that foundation.
    That green and white pole strikes me-interesting "thing" to hold that together. Great find.

  6. These images just stimulate the mind into myriad thoughts.

  7. I think your post is downright PERFECT for this week's Song-ography! And I love your thoughts on leaving windows/doors open that should long ago have been closed. So true, so insightful. You've really got me thinking. Amazing the power a song can have in getting the mind going...and the photography. Thanks for joining in on Song-ography!

  8. I am so guilty of this I fear... hanging on, when the door should be closed. The quote is perfect and what a great find in the door.

  9. most beautiful place and the composition is amazing.

  10. lovely interpretation of this song ! Nice photo too, of course!

  11. Gosh, isn't this so true! I know I leave doors open that are best closed. I often have to remind myself that people have made their choices, and in that the doors need to be closed in terms of my expectations and theirs. So many people choose us when it is nice for them, and expect us to be waiting or make room. I'm learning to make boundaries and still be gracious. Hard balance.

  12. Such a stunning shot. It really draws me in to the scene.

  13. So very true. Now I'm going to do some thinking about whether or not there are any "doors" left open in my life that should be closed (or opened) for that matter.

    I agree abandoned buildings are quite fascinating and make you wonder about what took place there and why they were abandoned.

  14. I love your take on it. Yes we do and I am going through this myself right now trying to let it go and move on. But sometimes it is hard especially when there is no reason for it that you can see and the person it involves can't explain their self. So thanks for this I really need to let this go and move on through that door.

  15. Looks like a fascinating place. Love old and decaying buildings.

  16. Great photo. I'm always inspired and a bit saddened by abandoned stores and houses.

  17. I love these old doors and they are so meaaningful! Great shot!
