Thursday, May 9, 2013

Copper Poems

faux falling star

A wonderful thing about poetry is that it lets you say (via your imaginary friends) things that you would never dare say in real life. ~Michael Lipsey

The poetry is really flowing lately. I wrote this poem in response to the prompt from Poets United this week: we are to write about a personal experience. Writing poetry is one of the most personal things I do. It's where I'm at my most vulnerable and able to express emotions I might not otherwise. I find it to be incredibly therapeutic when I'm stressing or feeling turmoil about something. And also when I'm feeling really grateful about life!

In "real life" I tend to keep emotions to myself, but when the poetry writing starts it all spills out. I also find that I do my best writing in the morning with my cup of coffee. I'm alert and well rested...this is usually when my muse hits me. It also means that there are many mornings when my to do list gets cast aside for a couple of hours! After every poem, I always feel as if these words I've written have been resting inside of me the whole time, waiting for the "write moment" to come to life. Honestly, it feels like a spiritual collaboration.

My image is an iPhone photo I took awhile back. It's not actually a fallen star but it sure looks like one. :)


A walled heart is
Smoother and smart
So much safer
Than an open gate
But then a blank
Page blossoms

Winged thoughts
So feather soft
Opal-throated words
Joys expressed
Pure and white
Like falling stars

Lessons humming
Like gospel hymns
Secret polls and
Holy roads
Fears that morph
Into midnight mountains

Copper poems with
Patinaed flaws
Stitched scars
That come undone
In the clarity
Of early morning.

© Sherri Brannon



  2. This is absolutely exquisite I can definitely tell you have been blessed with the muse! I love the title, every thing perfection =)

  3. Wait, you don't speak like this in your day-to-day life??? I pictured you as someone who goes for long, pensive nature walks, speaking wise words in poetry and prose, and frequently talking to the animals... Please tell me at least the walks and the animals part of that is true :)

    I think I write best last at night. Fewer distractions. But always when my mind and body are well-rested.

  4. Like falling stars - lovely, great images in your words and beaytifully crafted, i really liked this.

  5. I really like the line:
    /stitched scars that come undone
    in the early morning./

  6. loved the imagery - so viviid and fresh

  7. I love your choice of words. Wonderfully written.

  8. Isn't it wonderful when a blank page blossoms? I feel the same way as you do and also write best first thing in the morning with coffee.. I also understand the idea of spiritual collaboration. Poetry definitely works wonders, no doubt about it

  9. Sherri this is beautiful! I'm with you on the early morning writing - coffee cup and keyboard is a great way to start the day!

  10. Sherri,

    I am pleased to have found your poem. Such a fresh and uplifting situation, which I felt as though I was observing. A relaxing mode, especially when inspiration is flowing!!!


  11. Oh my goodness, this just might be one of my favorites yet beautiful! And I'm usually best in the morning too...right now I feel like everything is having a hard time getting out, I know it's in there...need to have some paper ready for when it flows again!!

  12. Love the lines "winged thoughts so feather soft". I like the idea of thoughts winging.

  13. Your poetry is so wonderful and inspiring. Keep up the good work!

  14. Sherri, I love how you allow yourself the release of writing poetry. Your words are beautiful.

  15. You lead the reader so comfortably and honestly to a final stanza that bursts with imagery and meaning. Nice work.

  16. you have a visual and tactile aura in this poem
    healing occurs when the blossoms bloom - again

  17. Thank you for taking us behind the writing of your poems. It was wonderful to have you share this with us.

  18. a blank page blossoms...
    indeed it does!

  19. Just wanted to come by and wish you a Happy Mother's Day, Sherri. Hope you had a wonderful day.

  20. Love your image Sherri, your poem is deep and beautiful, the midnight mountains...very good!
