Saturday, May 25, 2013

Blue + Green = Serene

iphone sun tree

iphone tower

iphone yogurt store

iphone spring tree

My days have been busy...a blur of errands and to do lists. But always, in the midst of it all, I have my trusty iPhone to capture some snapshot moments of my day. There have been lots of blues and greens in my photos lately: beautiful blue skies and spring trees evolving into their summer greens. Plus, a cute yogurt shop with apple green walls! I love the picture I captured while in their store (and their yogurt was delicious).

Blue and green are my two favorite colors - my closet is filled with them, or some combination of the two. It's interesting that we're each drawn to certain colors depending on who we are. Blue and green are "calming" colors - with my anxious temperament it makes sense to me that I'd want to surround myself with these soothing tones! Are you drawn to certain colors?

Thanks for stopping by - I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. As beautiful as nature is...I'm LOVIN that green wall and shelves shot. FANTASTIC composition my friend!!!!

  2. Love your blue skies Sherri! Reminds me of when I was a kid and used to lay out on a blanket watching the clouds go by! Lovely! Hope you have a great long weekend!

  3. ooh ahh, I'm just like you re blue and green and turquoise and teal and on and on so I love all your images today -- and most days!

  4. Love your pics. I'm a green person. But then I've never met a color I didn't like.

  5. just beautiful and soothing to is all around us and we need to just have an eye for it,,,like you:)

  6. Love your wonderful and inspiring spring color palette!

  7. That must be why I like so much as well.

  8. I love blue too but it does change depending on how I is another firm fave! I love the pylons :)

  9. the first tree...I could sit under her and just marvel at life.

  10. I definitely tend to lean toward the blues and greens, too. Though in nature, I think I like whatever color happens to be making itself prevalent at that time.

    Happy weekend to you.

  11. Sherri, these pictures are beautiful and the yogurt store shot... it's just wonderful. Love the colors and the perspective and all the shapes... everything!

  12. Oh my - lovely perspective and colors ... I dwell in the the pure bright green and the turquoise sky!
