Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Soul Always Knows

vast sky

Just as there exists in writing a literal and poetic truth, there also exists in a human being a literal anatomy and a poetic anatomy. One, you can see; one, you cannot. One is made of bones and teeth and flesh; the other is made of energy and memory and faith. But they are both equally true. ~Elizabeth Gilbert

March always finds me with weary bones, looking to the sky (and earth) for signs of spring...and I'm happy to say the signs are here! Replenishment of my spirit is coming very soon. In the meantime, it's up to me to fight off the winter physically take care of myself, to be grateful every day, to reach inward and acknowledge the melancholy that drifts through...and then, more importantly, to listen to that inner voice that always nudges me towards hopeful and positive thoughts. I'm so glad for that inner voice! I take great comfort from her presence.

Are there signs of spring where you are? If not, hang on...look at that vast, blue sky and know that it will soon be on its way. Thank you for stopping by! For my image, I used Kim Klassen's "Violet" texture, at Multiply/78%.


What calls you to the quiet?
To let go of bone and
Wander with the soul?
To allow her to step
From your waters of
Deep remembering
Feeling safe to speak?
When my bones are weary
They leave an imprint
Sunken and fossilized
Like rib marks pressed
Deeply into the earth

Choose a bone, soul
Says with a whisper
Pry it from the dirt
Petrified and tender
Use it for something
Not intended:
Pick the padlock
Unlock the gate
From your graveyard
Let flowers spill
And roots grow, and
Words flow

Through it all, the
Soul always knows
She waits, lamp in hand,
Carrying that elusive key
That often won't fit
Any lock I own
Seeing the whole time that
My chest door is ajar
That the sky hangs there
Lovingly and bright
Like a vast, open prayer
So quenchable that I
Fill my cup and drink it.

© Sherri Brannon

EDIT: I was thrilled and honored when my blog friend Viv (visit her blog HERE) used some words from my poem above to create a beautiful digital layout. It's gorgeous and I'm sharing the image below - click to enlarge it. Thank you, Viv! Knowing that my words touched someone enough to want to create with them truly made my day.



  1. I enjoyed your poem....favorite lines:

    Pick the padlock
    Unlock the gate
    From your graveyard
    Let flowers spill
    And roots grow, and
    Words flow

    And, oh, I am so looking forward to spring!

  2. beautiful poem ... :)... loved coming to your blog.

  3. When my bones are weary
    They leave an imprint
    Sunken and fossilized
    Like rib marks pressed
    Deeply into the earth

    Truly said, Sherri! One gets that feeling of down and out from just a little tiredness and bother.If one persist to continue to fight tiredness then it would be disastrous. A little rest can go a long way! Nicely!


  4. She waits, lamp in hand,
    Carrying that elusive key
    That often won't fit
    Any lock I own

    Love this Sherri , I would love to use your words in a digital art layout.....

  5. cool ending so a sad piece - that image will linger -

  6. This poem is quite brilliant. It lingers in the mind. What a talent for words you have.

  7. Such beautiful words that so resonate with my March soul!!! Spring WILL come..:-)!

  8. The shot and words definitely hold hands as their convey your heart.....

  9. Oh, that's beautiful! I love the mystery.

  10. I am starting to see shoots of green from the crocuses and daffodils. Otherwise still white stuff hanging around.

  11. As always your words are Sweetest in a Gale

  12. Complex and intriguing, full of notions I hadn't thought of before.

  13. Another sweet poem, Sherri.
    Have a happy day. :)

  14. You captured my attention with your repeated reference to bone and soul. I considered alternate meanings and applications, which tells me this writing is powerful and effective.

  15. Such a beautiful poem. Spring is just around the corner.. But it is already nice and warm here in the desert..


  16. The birds know, too, I think. They've been scurrying about here, all chatty and stuff. I only talk back occasionally.

    So cool to have your words used like that! Congrats.

  17. Have been away too long, but knew there would be lots to see on your blog. Your tree and textures remind me of what I am also seeing.....and then today, after a monster storm, the sun is brilliant and the sky azure. Always love your words and photography. Hope all is well. smiles: sharon

  18. Beautiful poem, and a lovely image.

  19. Thanks Sherri I truly was inspired by your words.....

  20. Love the words and a beautiful old tree.

  21. gosh...the poem is so beautiful. so perfectly paired with your image. that you for sharing.

  22. Those words are so powerful -- you photo image show strength to it too and I like how you did the editing. Your poem is touching..

  23. Beautiful post! (We just got another 5" of snow where I live, so I'm thinking spring isn't quite here yet!)

  24. Great shot of this beautiful architectural tree.

  25. How wonderful - and I love your photo, great processing!

  26. Incredible marriage of words and image. The image alone speaks volumes but together they have such impact.

    Beautiful work, as always, Sherri!

  27. so so beautiful Sherri. i love your poems so much xo

  28. I especially love "the sky hangs a vast open prayer". A beautiful write!

  29. weary bones sink like fossils, true concept

    quickening of the chakras

  30. The use of language in this poem is outstanding, it is truly beautiful.
